Page 12 of Defying Boundaries

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“Leverage,”Tammera states.

“What kind of leverage?”Hemmi inquires.

“You have us, we want one of yours with us at all times,” Tammera answers. “And we want a weapon to ensure this person doesn’t try to escape.”

“I volunteer as tribute.” Luca offers himself up, raising his left hand in the air and bouncing on his feet, which is a bizarre look considering he still has a lit cigar dangling in his other hand. The excitement dancing in his eyes has me gaping at him. My brother is an oddball even by our organization’s standards.

“Are you kidding me right now? Never mind, don’t answer that,” I grumble.

“Done,”Charlee snaps.

“Done? She can’t make crucial decisions like that without clearing it through us first,” I hiss.

“So, we give her a gun with blank caps,” Master states. “They’ll look like real bullets. She’ll never know the difference and it’ll give them the illusion that they’re in control without one of us paying the price for a trigger finger.”

“Jesus fucking Christ!” I moan. I suppose it will give them a sense of peace that we can’t offer them until they get to know us and let their guard down.

“Bring on the weaponry and kitten claws,” Luca says, rubbing his hands together in glee. “Looks like our lives are fixing to get interesting and I, for one, can’t wait.”

“Someone save me from stupid people,” I rumble into the universe.


Even though Ishould be leery when it comes to Charlee, and her friend, Hemmi, seeing as they’re complete strangers, I don’t get the sense of foreboding that they’re a danger to me and Mera.

However, I do get the feeling they’re not women to be trifled with and are women of their word. And those are the type of people I need on my side.

For the past half hour, I’ve been telling them about my latest meeting with my brothers. They asked me to give them a play-by-play and recall as many of the details I could. Even if they didn’t come across as important to me at the time, they could be crucial.

Mentally and emotionally wiped, I crawled onto my bed and am lying here, drowning in my terror of what my future holds.

“Tell me about your family,” I implore, needing something to distract myself with.

“My family is a beautiful disaster,” Charlee starts off saying.

My lips lift upward in a small smile. If anyone understands that sentiment, it’s me. The disaster part anyway. There’s nothing beautiful about my family.

“Pops, my dad, he’s amazing, my hero. But he had issues with his family. They didn’t want him to marry my ma because she wasn’t part of their world. So, he ran and took her with him. They stayed off the grid for years. They’d changed their names and started the DreamCatcher Motorcycle Club that my brother’s now the president of. They’d been undetected until I was fifteen. When they were discovered by their family’s team, which was organized by my uncle Luca, they ran again, and left me in the care of my brother, Gunner. That’s where Country came in.”

“Country? That’s an interesting name,” Mera comments. “How did his parents come up with that?”

If it weren’t for her playful tone, we’d all think she was being judgmental. She’s not. My best friend is curious by nature and that can come across as being snarky and outlandish at times—but it’s all done in fun. She actually loves unique names and always wants the story behind them. According to her, parents name their children after someone they either admire, or have a fascination with. She’s always seeking further information. I call it her geeky side.

“It’s his road name,” Charlee remarks, as if that would cure Mera’s curiosity.

Newsflash, it won’t. If anything, she’ll have more questions.

“Does everyone get a road name?” Mera asks, her infatuation for knowing everything has started and she won’t stop digging until her curiosity has been satisfied.

“It’s a common thing in the motorcycle world. Not everyone uses them, or their name is perfect and complements who they are,” Hemmi resolves.

“I’d love to be someone else for a short period,” Mera states.

“Youhavebecome someone else,” I remind her.

She did legally change her name to give herself her own identity and erased the one the people who abandoned her gave her.

Continuing, I summate, “And I love who you are. Don’t go changing who you are again, because my life would be crippling without you and who you’ve grown to become.”

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