Page 17 of Defying Boundaries

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Once everyone has been loaded into the two vehicles, we gently pull away without the headlights illuminating our pitch-black path. Shayne’s fingers dig into my forearm as we crawl through the darkness. Marco drives the car with me, Luca, Mera, and Shayne, while Leo drives the one with the rest of my family onboard.

“How far is our drive?” Shayne inquires, never wavering from watching the car navigate through the terrain. “Can he see? I’m not sure a car crash is a great getaway plan.”

“We won’t crash. He’s spent hours mapping out this drive. He knows it better than the back of his hand,” I tell her.

“If you say so,” she begrudgingly groans. She still doesn’t look convinced and I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from cracking up at her spunkiness. From the last week and a half of conversations I’ve overheard between the girls, I’ve never heard her use this sort of cockiness. It’ll be nice to watch her grow and expand her horizons.

* * *

Forty minutes into the drive, both Shayne and Mera succumb to sleep. Whatever she’s dreaming about must be nice, because she has a calm and serene look on her face.

“Do you think her fucktard brothers were having her watched as they suspect? Not once did we see anyone casing the convent,” Luca apprises, his sight stuck on Mera.

“I doubt it. They had no reason to suspect that she was planning a getaway. They’re so damn egotistical, they believe she’s under their thumb and would never disobey an order,” I counter.

“They’re going to flip their shit when they realize she’s gone.” He snickers. “Wish I was a fly on the wall when they discover that.”

“Yeah. They won’t be happy when they notice she’s disappeared without a trace,” I say, agreeing with him. “It’ll be awhile before they figure out she’s untraceable, and they’ll know she had outside help. It’ll buy us some time before we end up letting them know exactly where she is.”

“The nuns will sound the alarms and call them as soon as we don’t show up to seven a.m. check-in,” Shayne incoherently mumbles. “And you’re right, Julius. They only see me as the dutiful, naïve little sister who always tucks her head and does whatever is asked of her. They never considered the fact that I’d rebel and fight a way to avoid their marriage proposal.”

She blinks her beautiful crystal blue eyes up at me, her raven hair tumbling over her shoulders, and her puffy pink lips shining with gloss as she nervously licks them, making me want to bend her over and claim them for myself.

“That gives us plenty of time to get y’all settled, lock down the compound to the point that even the Pope couldn’t get in, and erase our tracks. They won’t suspect it’s us until after they’ve gone down the lengthy list of their enemies. As far as they’re concerned, the entire club was eliminated when the clubhouse burned to the ground,” I state, trying to console her.

“Or they may look at us first since we have the strongest motivation for revenge,” Luca concludes. “Either way, we have plenty of space for you ladies to roam undetected. They can assume all they want to, but if we go on with business as usual, and they never visually put eyes on you, that’s all it’ll be.”

“Our staff is loyal to us, and they know the repercussions if they’re not,” I add.

“Your staff? How big is your place exactly?” Shayne queries, turning her body sideways to face me. “The girls mentioned something about an underground town. Will we be able to see it?”

“We have a secret entrance from our house. You’ll be able to go anytime you wish,” I tell her. “It’ll be good for you to interact with other people and there’s nobody better for you to make friends with than our family.”

“If they’re anything like Charlee and Hemmi, I can’t wait to meet them,” she says, excitement strumming through her body as she dances in her seat. “There’s so much I want to do now that I don’t have my every move watched by the nuns.”

“Like what?” I ask, not only because I’m curious, but because I want to make sure she explores everything that’s been forbidden to her. That she gets to live, find herself, and not by living vicariously through others.


“I don’t even knowwhere to begin. I have a huge bucket list,” I admit, chewing on my bottom lip as I try to put them in a list by priority.

“What’s the first thing that comes to mind?” Julius asks me.

“Ice cream!” I all but shout, causing Mera to stir.

“Candy,” she tacks on. “Lots of candy. I want to try every variety.”

“We could put sprinkles on our ice cream,” I announce, dreaming of having a sugar rush.

“It’s late for ice cream tonight, but tomorrow afternoon, be prepared to be dazzled. We’ll set up an ice cream bar,” Luca states, pulling out a pocket-sized notebook and his pen. He jots down notes.

“What’s an ice cream bar?” Mera urges, voicing the question that I was about to ask myself. I hope we don’t sound bratty, but we want to be knowledgeable about everything, big or small, that’s been forbidden to us.

“Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet?” Julius asks with bemusement on his face.

“No, but I know what that is,” I confess.

“It’s like that, but with ice cream and all the add-ons instead of food,” Julius explains. I’m not sure what he means byadd-onsbut I can’t wait to find out.
