Page 31 of Defying Boundaries

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“Looking forward to it,” I concede. And I really am. I’ve never known anyone like them. They’re interesting, genuine, and honest. Qualities I admire in others. “I’m sorry about earlier, Julius. I let my fears overrun my mouth. I think you’re all amazing people and I’m looking forward to getting to know you all better.”

“Thank you, Shayne. I’m sorry that I overreacted. You have a right to ask anything you’d like. I should’ve answered and calmly relayed my insecurities about your feelings in an adult manner. I’ll do better in the future.”

“We both will,” I say around a smile, letting him know that I’m good with where we stand. “This is all new for me, but I promise to be more open-minded.”

“Same, temptress.” A shiver races up and down my spine with the way his voice turns robust. My body’s reaction to him should be troubling, but the more I watched him with the kids and the others, all of my reservations have been put at ease when it comes to him. I’m ready to put my complete trust in him.

Is it too soon for that? Maybe. But my impulses scream that this is the right thing to do. I’m going to go with my gut and alleviate my day-to-day hesitations by laying them to rest and living in the moment.

* * *

Last night, I was so tired that I don’t remember crawling into my bed and falling asleep. But it was a good day, and I’m hoping that it’s an omen to how this day’s going to go.

I quickly shower, and dress—excited to join the others for breakfast and see what Mera and I can explore and discover. Everything is new and fascinating. Mera wants to find books to read, and I want to study some interior decorating magazines. Hopefully, Julius and Luca have access to those items so we can both get started.

“Morning,” I greet, entering the room.

In return, I get a round of, “Mornings.”

“What’s everyone doing today?” I ask, going over to the breakfast bar and making myself a plate of fruit, eggs, and bacon. I fill a glass with orange juice and head over to the dining room table and begin eating while waiting for answers.

“I need to connect with a few associates,” Julius says.

“I was going to take Mera to the gun range for some target practice,” Luca states. “Is there something else we need to do instead?”

“No,” I comment. “I was hoping you had a library here on the premises or had someone who could go out and get me a few magazines.”

“We have a library,” Julius informs me. “But I’m not sure what type of magazines we have stocked. What were you looking for?”

“Some home decor ones,” I answer. “Wanted to get started on the project you asked me to do. Is it too soon?”

“Absolutely not. I’ll have Marco run out and grab what he can find. I’ll also have him set you up with an account at a few retail places so you can call in some orders and establish the delivery times.”

“Are there certain dates and times that work best?” I question, not wanting to be a burden, seeing as they already have so much on their shoulders.

“Not necessarily. I’ll also have him grab you a calendar so you can mark them down and give me the schedule,” Julius replies.

“What are you decorating, Shaynie?” Mera asks, her attention turned to me.

“The room I’m staying in needs updating,” I tell her. “Julius asked me to take care of it for him.”

“I’d like for the house to have some personal touches. A decorator would argue with me on things and placements. I trust Shayne to compromise and not overdo things,” Julius states, causing me to preen at his unyielding faith in me. “That was a guest room that was a mix of my mother’s and wife’s touch. They clash and it’s an eyesore.”

“It really is. Remind me to take you in there before I get started. I’ve never seen anything like it, Mera.”

“I thought mine was bad. I have seashell wallpaper in my bathroom, and huge daisies painted along the upper trimming. It doesn’t mesh… at all, and makes me a little dizzy,” she complains.

“Mine’s like walking into the city of gold.” I snort. “It’s almost blinding.”

“Hey now, don’t bash the decor, ladies. My mama did that,” Luca says, clutching his chest as if he’s in pain. He accompanies that action with wide, dramatic eyes.

“Yeah. Don’t break the mama boy’s heart.” Julius cackles.

“You’re just jealous because I was her favorite,” Luca rebuts.

“In your wet dreams, Luca. I’m the first born, which means I’m the favorite.”

A smile broaches my face as I watch the two verbally spar. They’re trying to get a rise out of the other one, and for the most part, it’s working. I sit back and enjoy the moment as the two go head-to-head and Mera conspicuously talks to me, begging me to help her secretly redecorate her room behind Luca’s back.
