Page 5 of Defying Boundaries

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I cave and slide out of the car, meeting the devil’s minion at the base of the steps. He gives me an insincere smile as he holds out his elbow for me to clutch. My hand shakes as it lifts and lands on the juncture of his bent arm. He pats it like one would a loved one, but looks can be deceiving to spectators. I know that it’s more of a condescending tap than a motion laced in adoration.

What he’s playing at, I have no clue. Nobody is here to witness him acting like a devoted sibling he’s portraying himself as being, but even as that thought crosses my mind, the hair on the back of my neck stands up on end.

Something, or someone sinister, is lurking nearby. I’m not sure how I instinctively know this, but I do. Which means I need to be wary of my surroundings.

Now, it’s time to face the music and enter the den my brothers have weaved in sin—both from the past and in the present.

* * *

My four brothers, Garrick, Gideon, Graham, and Gavriel, ranging from eldest to youngest, sit before me, only a slab of wood separating us, each one with a smarmy look injected onto their faces.

“We need you, Shayne,” Gavriel states, his face turning stoic.

“It’s time you do your part for us, for your family, since we did everything in our power to keep you safe and out of our father’s clutches,” Graham inserts, adding to his Irish twin’s thoughts.

“What would my part entail?” I ask, my throat suddenly dry and parched.

Clearing the frog from his throat, Garrick adds, “We’ve found you a match, sis. One who’s suitable for you and would treat you right. Plus, he has connections that’d help us grow the family enterprise.”

I’m being sold off? That’s my place in their warped minds? I’m no better, no more important to them, than a transaction? I’ve never been so appalled and mad in all my life. I knew they were evil. I’ve always known how money means more to them than our blood ties, but honestly, this makes my stomach turn.

“I’m a barter?” I ask, fidgeting. My body trembling, my instincts tell me that this “match” won’t be as lucrative to me as it is for them. They don’t care how I’m treated as long as I’m willing to do their bidding and keep this associate happy. But will I be happy? Somehow, that is highly unlikely. Am I miserable where I am? Absolutely. Even if I can’t walk through the gardens and smell the roses without permission as well as an escort, every day, I wake up and know that I’m safe, cared for. My soul is protected from evil-deeds—or it has been until now.

At this moment, I’m aware that they don’t care. They pretend. They act like I’m a priority to them, but this… what they’re asking… no, demanding of me, is a slap in the face.

A reality check.

I’m the golden ticket to making them richer—more powerful than they already are. A craving they can’t seem to beat or overcome. My sacrifice will curb that for a short amount of time.

Then what?

Will they kill this man and move me on to the next?

Where is the line drawn?

Where does it end?

It doesn’t. It never will.

And if I have children? What happens to them? Will they be separated and gifted as a business transaction? No. I’ll never allow that.

It’s time to find my way out.

“When?” I bravely ask. “When will this… union you’ve planned for me take place?”

“You’ll wed in six months’ time. We’ll take care of everything. We’re going to set up a few meetings so the two of you can become acquainted before the ceremony. The first one is set up for a month from now,” Gavriel answers.

Six months? That’s how long I have to make a decision—to either run, hide, and come up with a new identity, or stay and let my life crumble. As sheltered as I’ve been, the question is, where do I get those items?

“Okay,” I acquiesce for now, making them believe I’ve given in to their demand. I lower my head in submission, giving them the impression that I’m willing to be their pawn—even if every single one of my limbs shakes, my lips quiver, and my tears threaten to fall. I refuse to give them the ultimate satisfaction, so I swallow them down, shut down my emotions, and act like this is acceptable behavior, when all I want to do is kick them where the sun doesn’t shine.

But I can’t.

I won’t.

After all, being a woman, this is what’s expected from me in their opinion.

Submission… complete and utter submission.
