Page 51 of Defying Boundaries

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I’d kneel before the grim reaper and welcome him to pay me a visit. I'd even go willingly with him, invite him to sit with me for a cup of tea, before allowing my brothers to have me in their clutches.

Garrick, Gideon, Graham, and Gavriel are far scarier to me than facing the devil himself.

I fear no one on this earth like I do them. That’s saying a lot since there are a lot of unknown demons and likewise devility that the nuns predict that walk among men.

My head ducks further into my chest as the ricochets of projectiles, which sounds like a multitude of rocks slamming into the car, picks up. I hear some sort of boom behind us which has me crying out.

“Wh-what was that?” I shakily ask, never moving my eyes from their subservient position. Whatever it was, gives me an eerie feeling and the fine hairs on my arms stand upright.

“No!” Julius shouts, his tone distraught.

Even with me not knowing what caused his howl of despair, tears tumble down my cheeks. I can feel his heartbreak.

“Are they alive? Find out if they’re alive, dammit!” Julius thunders, his anxiety intense and contagious.

My teeth chatter as my body uncontrollably shudders.

The only reason he’d be freaking out would be if it was one of his boys or his brother that was injured.

Oh, God, Mera’s with Luca.

“W-who, Julius? Who?” I shriek.

“Fuck! Fuck! Luca and Mera’s car just flipped and they’re surrounded. Someone find out if they’re alive, dammit!” Julius roars.

Lifting up my shaking hand, I place it on his knee. Not only to console him, but to steady and ground myself as well. This is my worst nightmare coming true. It’s the reason why I wanted to leave my best friend behind at the convent in the beginning. I knew if she came with me, she’d pay the repercussions from it, and that’s what I wanted to avoid.

“The boys are going back,”Nonnosays.

It’s then, with that proclamation, that I notice the purr of the motorcycles’ engines are less noisy, and not as many are surrounding us. It means some of them went back to try and help my friend and Luca.

“Turn around. We need to go help them, Julius!” I yelp. “They need us.”

“No,Nipotina. We can’t, sweet girl. This entire thing rests around you. If we give them what they want, we’re all dead,”Nonnoexplains.

“That’s not right,Nonno. Julius, tell him. Tell him that if they have me, this whole thing will end and everyone will be safe. Tell him, Julius. Tell him!” I screech.

“I can’t, Shayne, because he’s right,” Julius laments. “If they get us all, they can take us all out in one fell swoop. Not only would they take you, but we’d die as a result, and my family would be compromised. That’s something I can’t allow.”

“So we sacrifice them instead?” I bawl out the question.

“No, baby. Now, we get serious. We get them back, and we kill them all,” Julius growls.

I lift my head at his snarling and notice his irises are just as dark as his pupils. I’ve never seen this side of him before. This is the monstrous side of him he’s warned me about.

The one he never wanted me to see for myself.

But instead of fearing this side of him, it anchors me. I know that if Mera and Luca survived that, that he’ll find them and my brothers will rue the day they were born.

There will be no mercy for them.

* * *

When we pull up to the mansion, things get hectic and erratic. Julius frenziedly drags me behind him, driven by paranoia to get me behind the safety of these brick-and-mortar walls. Then he begins to frantically bark out orders and ask for any updates from the men who made it back with us.

Kruger gets on some sort of two-way radio and begins shouting out question after question. The updates aren’t good.

Not ones we want to hear. My heart fractures into so many tiny shards that they can’t be glued back together.
