Page 57 of Defying Boundaries

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It’s time for Diablo to ride again.


They made one crucial error when they stripped me down. They took my suit jacket, they took my shoestrings, and my belt, but these dumbasses, they left my tie hanging around my neck in a loose noose. Only it won’t be me my necktie chokes. No, it’ll be theirs.

“Touch her again, and I’ll rip your fingers from your hands one digit at a time,” I threaten the guard who has a hard-on for my girl.

He chuckles at me, then taunts me, “What are you going to do from your cell, pretty boy? You can’t touch me and you know it. So stop with the theatrics, huh?” Guard one continues antagonizing me.

It’s what guard number two says that has my ire amping up at an all-time high. “You’re going to make us a pretty penny at the auction, sweet thing.”

“I’ll kill you!” I roar, yanking on the chains that have me anchored to the concrete block walls. “I’ll kill you, your momma and your daddy, fuckface!”

“Aww, what did my folks ever do to you to warrant such threats?” Guard two inquiries.

“They spawned you,” I remark with no shits given.

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Guard one murmurs.

“Yeah? What’s that motherfucker?” I grit out the question.

“You’ll be sold in a different sort of auction. Bids are already coming in. Seems you’ve made yourself a list of enemies, Mr. Alvarez.” Mera’s whimpering has goosebumps pebbling my skin.

“If I don’t end you, my brother will,” I inform him, my eyes catching Mera’s. I don’t remove them from her, watching her, silently telling her with my look that neither of us will be sold. Julius and the boys will be coming for us. And if they don’t make it on time, I will fight until my last dying breath to get us out of here.

“Ya think? Him and what army?” I don’t see which one asks this, but it doesn’t matter. Soon, they’ll both be eternally silenced.

“Prepare to meet your makers, boys. Because your days are limited,” I rage, harassing them.

“Is that a threat, Mr. Alvarez?”

“No. It’s a damn promise,” I state, staring deeper into Mera’s eyes, giving her an oath. “It’s a fact. We’re going home and you’ll be dead.”

The End
