Page 35 of Tarek

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Mask nods his head once.

“He wanted more. Wanted to be Prez. He wanted to take the club in different directions, and it got shot down pretty quickly.”

“Well, that seemed to push his buttons. He went to Catoli. Offered to help bring down the club and take over what you have as long as he had his rightful place,” Cage tells them. Mask slumps back in his chair as if he’d been punched. The others curse under their breath.

“Where’d you get that information?”

“One of Catoli’s men. We picked him to get answers.”

“And Dodger?”

“He’s dead.”

“What? How the fuck do you know that?”

“The girl Tarek picked up. She was there when they killed him. That’s why she ran,” Cage informs him. Van’s eyes meet mine, and I can’t read what’s in his expression.

“So you’re fuckin’ the Catoli chick?” he finally asks.

“Somethin’ like that.”

“How can we trust her?” he asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. I shift in my seat, not liking the accusation in his tone. He better watch who he’s talking to like that.

“We can trust her,” I tell him.

“How do you know that?”

“Because I fuckin’ said we could! You wanna keep questionin’ me?” I snap loudly this time.

“Calm down,” Cage says as I drag my gaze to his.

“She didn’t have to say shit, Cage,” I snap.

“I know that. She told us on her own. Pierson didn’t even realize he was one of us. She said he was wearing a cut but couldn’t see anything else. She described him down to the tattoo on his neck,” Cage tells the room. Van seems to take that as enough and leans back in his chair. The motherfucker is just looking for an ass beating, and if he isn’t careful, he’s going to get one.

“This is a completely fucked up situation,” Mask says, rubbing his hand over his face.

“I get it, brother. It’s fucked up, but it’s your call. What do you want to do here?” Cage asks him. I glance over at Twitch and Ridge, but they sit with their backs straight, waiting for an answer.

“If he was dirty, we don’t need that kind of shit around us. We don’t need a funeral.”

“Heard that. Just wanted to leave it up to you,” Cage tells him.

“What do we do about Catoli?”

“Kill the motherfucker,” I chime in now. All heads turn to face me, and I shrug my shoulders. It’s what I want to do.

“You think it’s that easy?” Free asks.

“Nope. Didn’t say it was,” I tell him.

“Then what’s the point in goin’ to war with him? Dodger did what he did. That didn’t involve us. Catoli didn’t get what he wanted, so why wage war?” Pike interjects. I think about that for a second. They’re right. There’s no real reason to start a war aside from the fact I want to. I want to watch him die. Him and that fiancé of Pierson’s. I want to see them meet their maker and prefer it be by hand.

“You’re right. There really isn’t a good reason for you to start a war. But maybe I have a reason,” I tell them. They all share a glance and wait for me to continue. “My girl isn’t goin’ anywhere. She’s scared for her life. Hell, she tried to take her own life to escape them. That’s enough for me to want to change a few things,” I admit.

“Not enough for the clubs to back you, though,” Mask adds. He might be right. Maybe he is, but that isn’t stopping me from doing what I want.

“Maybe not, but that doesn’t change my plans.”
