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“That’s because they opened ten minutes ago,” he said with a laugh. “The best thing about this place is they don’t open til four in the evening.”

After supper, they drove through Boulder, both of them trying to get their bearings. It was hard to figure out where everything was, but she spotted Walmart and Target. “Those are the stores I’ll need most. Is it too much to ask of a housekeeper to grocery shop as well? Man, I would love to never shop again.”

He laughed. “If it is too much to ask, then we’ll just need to do the Walmart grocery pickup, and make our lives easier.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

It was shortly after six when they got home that evening, and they returned to the couch to continue reading. “I have about an hour before I want to head to bed,” he said.

“I’ll do the same,” she said. “I really do want to live the same hours as a normal person.”

“You’re mostly normal. I like that about you.”

She opened her book and read for a while, wanting to finish it that night, so she and Kyle could swap. He looked like he was nearing the end of his book as well. “Are you learning anything?” she asked.

“I think so. I’m getting a better idea of the business side of things at least.”

“I’m learning more about the day-to-day operations. Maybe we each picked the wrong book.”

He chuckled. “Sounds like we did.”

She finished her book a few minutes before seven-thirty. When she looked over at him, he was finished and watching her. She held her book out and took his. “I may just have to read some tomorrow while you work.”

He shrugged. “Now that we don’t have to trade again, do whatever you need to do.”

She stretched. “Bedtime, right?”

“Absolutely, but I need at least a goodnight kiss. And maybe a little goodnight groping.”

She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Groping, huh?”

“Yup. It’s time.”

He pulled her toward him and kissed her, causing her knees to grow weak. Instead of remaining passive, she climbed onto his lap and kissed him back. When she felt his hand under her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her belly, she moaned softly into his mouth.

Kyle pulled back for a moment. “Why are we waiting again?”

“We want to know each other better.”

“I already know a million times more about you than I did at this time yesterday.”

“And you think that’s enough?” she asked.

One of the kittens jumped on the sofa and then jumped right between them. He perched on Alexis’s breasts. She couldn’t help but giggle. “Do you want in on the action, Lanche?”

He looked at her curiously with his wide blue eyes, as if he was trying to figure out what they were doing.

Alexis moved off Kyle’s lap and just held the kitten for a moment, glad there had been a distraction. She had a lot of feelings building for Kyle, but she wanted their marriage to be more about caring for each other than working and sleeping together.

“Where’d Tortie go? Huh? Aren’t you two supposed to be playing together?”

Lanche leaped off her in response to her question, and he hurried down the hall to do something, but she was pretty sure she’d rather not know what.

“Saved by the kitten,” he murmured.

She nodded. “Do you think they’ll destroy the house while we sleep?”

“Nah. The scratching post should be enough to take care of the problem. They’re rambunctious, but not destructive.”
