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“I think so too. She used my recipe for the alfredo sauce, but she makes it better than I do. I’m impressed so far.”

“I am too. Think she’ll stick around?”

“I really do. She doesn’t seem like the type of person to flit from one job to another.”

Kyle nodded. “Joe is giving me a run for my money. He’s over sixty, and he’s outriding me. I thought I was good on a horse, but that man can do things I’ve never even dreamed of. He actually roped two calves at once today.”

“Sounds amazing,” Alexis said. “It sounds like he’s the mentor you need as you learn the ropes.”

“He definitely is,” Kyle said. “I am learning so much every day. You should go with me when I ride out and give everyone their checks on Saturday.”

She slowly shook her head. “I don’t know how to ride.”

“What? You grew up in Texas and you can’t ride?”

“I grew up in the city,” she explained. “I’d love to learn to ride, but I don’t think I’ll know what I’m doing well enough to go out with you on Saturday.”

“I guess not,” he said. “I’ll teach you.”

“Let’s both figure out our jobs first. Maybe you can teach me in the spring.”

He nodded. “Spring is so busy for ranchers. That’s when all the cows drop their calves, and when we have to round up the calves to separate the bulls from the steers.”

“What’s the difference?” she asked.

He grinned. “A steer is a bull that’s been castrated. Steers go to market, but we keep the bulls for breeding purposes.”

“Oh. There’s not a vet who castrates the steers?”

He shook his head. “No, most ranchers do it themselves. And they have a big party as part of it. We’ll get neighbors to come and help, and we’ll put on a big shindig with food and dancing. Trust me. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.”

“All right. I’ll make sure to look forward to that.”

“Good girl,” he said, pushing away his empty plate. “I could eat that for every meal.”

She laughed. “I could too, but then I’d be bigger than one of your bulls.”

Kyle shook his head. “One of our bulls, sweetheart.”


By the end of the summer, they both felt comfortable with their jobs. Alexis spent most of the day at a computer inside the house, while Kyle worked twelve-hour days.

At the end of October, his mother came for a visit, and she was a joy to be around. In Alexis’s head, she was just like Rebekah, but when she met the woman, she knew better.

His mother, Joyce, chose to stay on the other side of the house with Rebekah rather than risk hearing anything coming from their bedroom. Alexis knew that was the reason because Joyce told her. “I’d rather sleep as far away from you and Kyle as possible. I do not need to hear the two of you enjoying each other.”

Alexis had blushed. “We are married.”

“I’m fully aware. Doesn’t mean I want to hear anything I could possibly hear.”

Alexis quickly changed the subject. “I don’t know if you ride, but you’re welcome to go out with Kyle or you can stay inside with me. I’ll be doing payroll today, and that will take me all afternoon.”

Joyce shrugged. “I may just spend my time in the kitchen with the lovely Rebekah. I enjoy cooking. I guess she could even take the day off if she wanted to.”

When Alexis asked Rebekah what she wanted to do, she said she’d stay and do her job. “I don’t like the idea of taking off with no notice, even if you do offer me the opportunity. But perhaps Joyce and I could cook together. The company makes everything more fun.”

Kyle smiled at Alexis. He knew his mother was a bit pushy, and he hoped she and Alexis would get along well.
