Page 24 of Armon's Revenge

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He kept me close and hummed against my neck as he groped me, sending an undeniable need coursing through me despite my aches. "I wanted you to be awake, so you could relish the taste of your new life."

I could tell Armon that I hated him all that I wanted to, but that wasn't entirely true. Over the course of our time together, he'd had me murder my own family and other people as well. He'd humiliated me and fucked me in front of other people while recording it.

Yet, aside from shooting me to ensure I lived to endure punishment, he'd never hurt me physically. I wished he would so I could prove true how evil of a bastard he was, but he preferred to rip my soul out a different way. Were he to treat me as badly as his sister had been treated—the way he believed I deserved—then he wouldn't have bothered helping me up to the bathroom or even given me the opportunity.

To add to his twisted delight, I only had eight minutes to take care of business and return or he would call everyone in to watch what he intended to do to me. It was nauseating how kind he was.

The level of grogginess I felt must have meant he'd kept me on strong medications after the gunshot. The wound wasn't going to leave any permanent damage but would take a while to heal. Before leaving the bathroom, I looked over my injuries. Several marks on my jaw and neck indicated just how close I'd gotten to having my neck sliced open.

Armon, dressed in nothing more than green boxer briefs, waited in front of the wide window. The unobstructed view of the sea was undeniably breathtaking, and I could understand how easy it must be to simply look out there without any worry.

I cleared my throat as I stood behind him.

"The only things I want to look at are your pretty doe eyes and this vast expanse, so come stand in front of me."

Knowing any other choice he provided would not be something I would ever accept, I obeyed. As I went to where he stood, I saw where an upper deck could look down and at me. And there were several of his men up there leaning over the railing.

"That's right, Sweet One," he said as I continued in front of him, wearing nothing more than black panties beneath a silk robe he'd helped me into. He already had his erect manhood in his hand, stroking it slowly. "Take off your robe for me."

Hesitant only for a moment, I again obeyed his order, carefully working the soft material off my shoulders and letting the garment fall to the floor. My rosy nipples already formed hard peaks in response to his attention.

Without delay, his gaze lowered and roved over me as he raised both hands to squeeze my breasts. "Once your cunt is clear, I'm going to mount and rut you for days."

I said nothing, but a needy ache bloomed between my legs. With a clenching jaw and swirling rage, I turned away from his hungry expression. I wanted him to ravish me, and I hated myself for wanting it.

"You're looking forward to it as much as I am."

"No, I'm not."

Both of his thumbs began to twirl over my nipples. My responding gasp and side-eyed glance at him gave away my deception, bringing an arrogant raise of his brow. All the more reason to hate the prick.

"You love that." He lowered his hands and clasped them behind his back. "That's why you don't deserve it." He turned and put his clothes on, then left without speaking another word to me. I hoped for something, maybe simply company as I waited in pain, but I got nothing.

Katya came in after a while. She still wasn't doing well herself, but she did bring pain relievers and some food before leaving. There had been times that was the most I did for her, so I supposed I should have been thankful.

As a cruelty, Armon went onto that upper deck in clear view of me. He and Katya occasionally sat and talked. Sometimes I saw other women talking and laughing with him. It was as though they were flirting while I was stuck in a luxury room of the yacht as nothing more than a wounded prisoner who had to watch others enjoy themselves.

For two days, I didn't see him except for past the window during his trips up on the deck to mingle. The only person who came to me was Katya when she delivered food or helped with my bandages, and she rarely spoke a word to me. Whenever I thanked her, she only scowled. At one point, I asked about Armon.

"Don't ever think he could do anything beyond pity a coward like you." Then she left.

It wasn't pity; it was a joy of tormenting another person. And yet I wanted his company. Most of my life I detested men. Now the worst one I’d ever met had me desperate for his company like the pet he claimed I was. But it was a game. I knew it was nothing more. Still, I wanted him.

Chapter Twenty


On the third day, he came to my door, casually strolling in as though he was something special for me to see.

There may have been an overwhelming joy at the end of my loneliness, but he didn’t deserve to know that. I pretended to ignore his presence and went to look out to the expanse. When the silence was unbearable, I asked, "How long am I stuck on this boat?"

He didn't immediately speak, but eventually he came behind me and pulled the robe from my shoulder to kiss it. The sensation of his skin connected to mine had me wanting to melt like butter. His breath tickled my neck when he spoke. "I thought we could spend a few days enjoying ourselves."

The infuriating lie had me slapping his hand, but it only curled around to my stomach. "I'm stuck in here by myself enjoying nothing."

"Such a high maintenance little pet I have." He sighed in an act that was overly dramatic.

"I'm not a pet." I went to turn and get distance from him, but he blocked me.
