Page 17 of Mind Blowing

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“They love you as my first serious college boyfriend. They’dlove you less if they thought we got married after six months of knowing each other.” Blake got up and abandoned Jasper,and climbedinto Riley’s lap.


She wrinkled her nose. “People will think I’m knocked up.”

Riley glanced past his mate to grin at Jasper. “Don’t worry, soon Callahan will be showing and everyone will be looking at her instead.”

“True.” They both ignored Jasper’s huff of annoyance. Humor at his despair wasn’t cool. “All right. We’re engaged.” She held their hands up, like a bride and groom walking into their wedding reception.

Riley took her face in his hands, staring into her eyes to drive his point home. “We’re mated.”

“Right, that’s what I said.”

Jasper drowned out their kisses and whispered words. Usually,he’d give them shit until they either stopped or left his room to go fuck in their own. Tonight,he didn’t have the energy.

He felt drained. Emotionallyexhausted. He knew about the baby, but Callahan didn’t. It was a heavy secret to have. For once he couldn’t smile or joke or flirt his way out the mess he’d created.

“I fucked up, didn’t I?”

Blake and Riley pulled away from each other, joining him on his bed. Blake went back to rubbing his head and Riley reached out to squeeze his shoulder. “You didn’t fuck up, you were careful. Responsible.” He paused like he was trying to find the right words. “The cause simply yielded an unexpected outcome.”

“You know we’re with you all the way. No matter what.” Blake tugged lightly on his hair. “How do you want this to play outafteryou two talkand she knows?”

“She’s not meant for me—”

“So you say,” Blake interrupted, and Riley put his palm over her mouth to keep her from adding anything else to contradict him.

“How does this even work? We co-parent?” He grabbed a pillow and put it over his face. “That’s going toseriously put a damper on all my extracurricular activities.”

Blake pulled the pillow out of his grasp. “You need to take this one step at a time right now.” She held up a finger. “When Callahan finds out, be supportive and kind. You worked your ass off to convince her that hooking up with you was a good idea. You owe her compassion and patience.” She added asecondfingerto her tick-off.“Figure out what she wants to do, how she wants to handle the pregnancy. And again, your little player ass better be down with whatever choice she makes. Her life changes, no matter what, way more than yours will.” She added a third finger. “Then, together, you move forward.”

Three steps. That didn’t seem so overwhelming. Whereas, thinking about co-parenting and who got the kid for Christmas versus Thanksgiving was about to make him shift into wolf form and never walk on two legs again.

“Ishould’veleft her alone.”Mostlikely, he’dnever forgive himself for humping that sweet girl. He’d been all cocky in his pursuit,and proud of the conquest. Now he felt sick.

“Jasper, bud, honestly itcould’vehappened to any of us, you know?” Riley shrugged, a sad smile on his face. “You simply had more opportunities than most.”

So many opportunities. So very many.

He sighed, closing his eyes once again and resting his forehead against Blake’s thigh, taking comfort and warmth from his packmates.

Better Callahan than some of the other chicks he’d been with, he supposed.

If there was a silver lining, it was that he hadn’t gotten the chick who thought he was a time traveling Tom Welling pregnant.

Chapter Twelve


Callahanstill wasn’t all the way packed. She wasn’t sure what her deal was when it came to leaving campus and heading home. It was as if she couldn’t make herself put the last of her things into a suitcase. She knew she couldn’t stay on campus. Thedorms were closing for renovations and she couldn’t afford an apartment without herparents’help. Theywouldn’tcondone her staying away for the next three months. They’d barely let her move away for college in the first place. She was their only child, their pride and joy. She’d never stepped one toe out of line and they cherished her. Her dad was strict and his morals were absolute. Her mom was kind, always trying her best to soften the harshness of her father’s rule to no avail.

Callahan had never feltfreerthan she had this past year at UNC. She’d made her own schedule. She’deaten when she wanted to and stayed up late if the desire struck her. Sure,she spent more time in her dorm room than out of it, but no one fussed at her when she left her wet towels on the floor. She knew going home, back to having her parents watching her every move, was going to be absolute torture.

She lay back on her twin mattress, staring at her blank ceiling and begging her thoughts not to stray to the incorrigible one-night stand she’d allowed herself.Jasper.Itwasn’t fair. His bodywas sculpted by the hands of gods.

Muscles on muscles without looking bulky and ridiculous. His smile, or more like his smirk,was stupid sexy. Which was a phrase she never thought she’d use in her life.Stupid sexy. Ugh. She scrubbed her hands down her face, seriously considering a nap in favor of packing, when her phone dinged on her crowded desk.

J:Riley said you were moving home for the summer. Why don’t you come have dinner with us before you go? We’d all love to see you.
