Page 26 of Mind Blowing

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“She wants there to be some semblance of truth in her story.” Blake nodded in understanding. “I get that. Lying to my parents isn’t fun for me either.” She leaned back against her mate when he started rubbing her shoulders. “I’m sure she could use the distraction.”

“That’s what she said.” Jasper wrinkled his nose, bracing himself for what he was about to ask. “I need you guys to move home with us.” They both opened their mouths to no doubt shootdown theidea, but he rushed to explain. “Just for a couple weeks, okay? The pack is going to notice she’s pregnant themomentshe steps into the house. I’m not ready for any of them to know it’s mine. If we all go and we pass Callie off as Blake’s friendwhowe’re helping out,then it’s a passable cover story.”

“Look, Jasper, I like Callahan, I do. But I barely know her, and Jace isn’t stupid. He’s going to sense something is off with our story. Why can’t you be honest with them about what’s going on?”

“There are going to be questions I can’t answer.” Jasper shook his head. “You’re the one who told me I needed to be patient and supportive, remember? You were right.I have to wait for Callie to decide what she wants to do, and until that happens, all the questions, all the opinionswillmake things harder on both of us.” He glancedathis door at the top of the stairs. “If I wanted Callie stressed and scared, I’d let her move home to her crazy-ass parents.”

Blake’s expression softened, a small smile playing on her lips. “Youlikeher.”

“Of course,I like her.”What’snot to like?She’sbeautiful and smart, and sheneedsme.“I’m not inlovewith her,so get those silly hearts out of your eyes.” He took her hands, ignoring Riley’s low growl. “Will you help me? Please, doll, pretty please with Riley’s dick on top.”

Her smile grew and he knew he had her. “Fine.”

“So the four of us are moving back in with Jace and Axie this summer?” Riley chuckled. “Who’s going to break the news to Jace? Because it sure as hell isn’t going to be me.”

“It needs to be Blake.”

Blake’s jaw dropped.“Absolutely not. This is your, uh, situation,andJace isyour twinwho will no longer be able to walk aroundhishousewith his peckerhangingout. You make the call.”

“Don’t talk about Jace’s dick please.” Riley smiled down at his mate, sweet as sugar.

“Callahan is your friend in need, remember? Why would I call and let him know what’s going on? I’m an uncaring asshole. IfI act involved, then the story is going to unravel before we even get to Haxton. You need to call Axie and ask them if they are okay with it all. It’s the only way that makes our story believable.”

“You are a perpetual pain in my ass.” Blake heldupher hand, a stern expression on her face. “No comments about youinmy ass or I back out of this charade.”

Jasper mimed like he was locking his lips, but his first genuine smile all night made it difficult. He wasn’t allowed to make innuendos anyway. He’dtraded that right for Riley’s pants the night Callie came over to study.

Blake huffed in annoyance as she plucked her phone off the coffee table. She hit Axie’s name with more force than necessary, putting the call on speaker, wanting her reluctance to be on full display. The angry Barbie act wasentirelycomical.

“Lover. How’s life with two yucky boys?”

Blake giggled at Axie’s greeting. “It’s gross. You know, except for all the mated orgasms and such. But that’s not why I’m calling. I have a huge favor to ask of you and the evil mastermind who warms your bed.”

“Okay, sure. What’sup?”

“I was left no other choice than to make another female friend since you live three hours away, and my heart is perpetually aching for you.” She licked her lips, cutting her gaze to Jasper. “And my new friend is knocked up.”

“Oh wow. Youfullyenjoy jumping into drama, don’t you?”

“You don’t know the half of it.” Her eyes narrowed, turning into afull-on Jasperglare. “She can’t go home. Herparents would send her to some convent or something. Since we were talking about coming to visit for a few weeks anyway, I was wondering if she could come with. I thought she could help Maddi with her free clinic for a while, give her a safe space to figure out what to do next.”

“Of course she can—”

“No.” Jace’s clipped voice cut through the line. “She can’t come. In fact, all of you stay in Greenly. I just got my house back.I don’t want it filled to the brim again. I rather enjoy fucking Axie wh—”

“If you want to keep fucking Axie at all,you’regoing to be a gracious host to this poor girl in her time of need.” Blake, Riley,and Jasper all hid soft laughter as best they could. Playing witness to Axie cuttingoffJace at the knees was always a good time. “Do I make myself clear?” There was a short pauseand possibly a mumble.“Louder for the people three hours away.”

“Yes.” They could all tell he was speaking through a clenched jaw. Jasper could picture histwin’sposture clear as day:fists at his sides, eyes dark,but hella turned on by his mate’s commanding attitude. “We’d love to immerse a human stranger into our daily shifter life, yet again. Whatcould possibly go wrong?”

Axie ignored his reference to winter breakwhenRiley and Jasperwerefighting over Blake and breaking expensive shit in the house. “When are you leaving? Will you be here for pack dinner tomorrow?”

Fuck. Jasper forgot about dinner. When everyone was together, it was hard to hide their supernatural side. They weren’t used to watching the way they spoke or acted, i.e., growlingmatesandsupernatural abilitieson full display.Their only saving grace would be that Callahan would most likely be too distracted bythe pregnancyto pay much attention.

“Yeah, we’ll be there,” Blake answered for them.“If you wouldn’t mind letting the pack know to not mention the pregnancy. She only found out this evening,but Riley sensed it a few days ago.”

“I heard the flutter of a heartbeat tonight. Everymale in our pack will be able to tell,”Jasper spoke softly, hardly above a whisper, not wanting to let Axie know he was even part of this conversation. Hearing the baby’s heartbeat, knowing it belonged to him…was heavy.

“Okay, sure.I’ll warn them.” Axie paused, the phone rustling like she was moving around. “Is the father involved at all? Is there anything else we can do to help her?”

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