Page 65 of Mind Blowing

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They watched as Bhodi hung, suspended in the air, a can of black spray paint in his hands. When he was finished, his brother lowered him to the ground and they stood in a line, admiring his work. “I don’t think I did half bad.”

“I agree.Goodjob,bro.” Riot and Bhodi high-fived, congratulating each other.

“What do you think, Wren? Your dad going to be beyond pissed?”

Oliver wrapped his arm around her shoulders while West took her hand. The connections continued down the line. Arms linking, and bodies snuggled together until they stood in a united, unified line.

“Probably.” She couldn’t help but smile, her eyes getting a little misty.

Claimedinlarge black letters on their mountain for the world to see.

It belonged to them, and them to each other.

“It’s perfect.”
