Page 3 of Lunatic Desires

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The Mothman snorts. “The bear is well. She was in her natural defensive bloodlust mode. It just took a little physical strength to remind her who is the alpha in these parts.”

“I owe you my life,” I say aloud, the realization dawning on me with startling clarity. “I’d be bear food right now if it wasn’t for you.”

“You do, and you would.”

A tremor of apprehension ripples through me as he reaches out a strong hand toward me.

“Take my hand, brave girl, and I will show you how you can repay the favor.”

I recoil, eyes wide, searching the unfamiliar earthen cavern around us for an escape. “I don’t underst—”

“I think you do,” interrupts the Mothman. “I have needs and desires. If you wish to live, you’ll help me to fulfill and slake them.”

My gaze falls back to the enormous knotty cock swollen between his muscular thighs and a part of me almost wishes the bear had succeeded. “I don’t think that will fit.”

“Oh, you’ll be surprised what the female form can handle, my curvy mate.”

“Mate?” I squeak.

The Mothman seizes me by my upper arms and lifts me to my feet, towering over me, his dark eyes gleaming. “On All Hallows’ Eve I must deposit my eggs in a suitable womb. My cock aches with them.”

“Eggs? Oh, Jesus, no.” My legs give way beneath me, and it’s only the Mothman’s grip that keeps me upright.

“Each knot of my cock contains an egg, and all of them must find a home to be kept warm before they can be birthed and hatch.”

I feel myself physically pale, like the blood has dropped out of me.

“Now, you can consent to being my mate or I’ll let my friend pick up where she left off. The choice is yours.”

Life or death.Vicious bear jaws tearing me apart, the air filled with my screams and the tang of my spilled blood. The unearthly pain of being eaten alive … or let the monster fuck me and live to see another day. What a choice. But itisa choice, no matter how horrific.

“So, what will it be?” he asks, black hair tumbling past his shoulders as his intense gaze bores into my soul.

“I don’t know that I can stand,” I whisper.

“You don’t need to stand. You’ll be on your back and in my arms. I’ll be all you need.”

My mind swims and my tongue suddenly feels impossibly thick in my mouth, as if it’s a dead weight made of stone that refuses to be moved.

“Consent, my lovely,” says the Mothman. “You will enjoy our time together. You have my word. I can’t promise the same of your time with my friend.”

Visions of my limbs torn asunder and my face ripped off steal the spine out of me. I can’t die yet. I have too much to live for!

“Yes,” I whisper, though it’s scarcely audible.

“You forget I have supernatural hearing, my little mate. Your consent is loud and clear.”

I feel my sanity slipping, and fear eats away at whatever semblance of courage I have left.

In the next instant I’m thrown over the Mothman’s shoulder and I feel jostled as he carries me somewhere new. As the last of my consciousness begins to fade, I can’t help but notice the Mothman’s tight black ass below me. He might be a terrifying monster with giant moth wings and segmented antennae. And he might fill me with his damn eggs. But there’s no denying that the Mothman is fit as fuck, and almost beautiful in his own strange and ethereally cryptid kind of way…

Chapter Five

When I regain consciousness, I find myself sprawled on my back amongst a collection of soft blankets and pillows. Not what I expected. A fire burns in a pit nearby, and an intriguing array of trinkets and paintings lines the walls. Beyond the firepit, the cavern opens into eternity, the glittering stars go on forever, and the Black Water Falls National Park Forest sprawls below in all directions—like a sea of emerald-green bathed in shadow and moonlight.

And then the Mothman is down on his knees and between my legs, stalking over me. He lines up his mind-bending cock and begins to rub it up and down my slit.My slit?My leggings are gone, as are my boots. I’m naked from the waist down.

“Welcome back,” says the Mothman.
