Page 7 of Lunatic Desires

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Intrigued, Isqueezehis hand. “What year were you born?” I ask.

“I was born in the year 1872 … and I was twenty-five when my life changed forever. The turn of the century looked very different for me. Instead of assuming my father’s business and settling down with a family, I found myself chosen by Fate. Exiled from humanity, I had no choice but to live as was intended—a recluse in the mountains, reborn with wings, antennae, bug eyes, and an entirely new color to blend in with the night.”

“And you’ve been alone all this time?”

“Believe it or not, my brave Penny, there are not many who wish to believe in the existence of monsters, let alone desire to spend time with them. I’m an urban legend and myth. My place is in the shadows, beyond the awareness of humankind.”

My lip trembles and my heartgoesout to this beautiful man who had his life torn away by powers beyond his control. It suddenly makes my own dream of running away to New Orleans seem small and insignificant. Ridiculous, even. I’m alive and normal. I am not a spectacular beauty, and I scarcely get by paycheck to paycheck. But my life is my own, dictated by no one. Omen’s life was stolen.And he’s alone.No one deserves to be alone, especially not this terrifyingly beautiful and majestic creature.

“What if you didn’t have to be alone?” I ask, a mad, impossible, and entirely new life plan brewing in my mind in an instant. “What if I stay with you even after our little monsters are hatched? What if I choose to truly be your mate—to stay with you … always?”

Chapter Eight

Omen’s eyes flash red in the firelight, and he swallows hard, before rising to his feet. “You would give up your life to be with me?” he asks. “You’d forsake your family, friends, and your dreams? The modern conveniences? To live with me here in the forest?”

It sounds batshit mad. But somehow, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. Maybe West Virginia was never the problem? Maybe being alone in the world was. “My parents are dead, and I have no extended family or friends to speak of.” I shrug. “As for dreams? They’re just that—wistful wishes and empty hopes. Ever since my parents died all I’ve wanted to do was get out of this State. I thought that by being somewhere else I could start again. But now?” I stand, the fire of conviction blazing within me. “Now I think Fate brought us together for a reason. No one deserves to be alone, Omen. Not even a monster.”

The Mothman turns his back on me, then his immense, patterned wings flare. “I yearn to accept such a possibility,” he says, his voice wracked with emotion. “But I will not ask you to give up everything you know, the familiar and safe, for a life of darkness and seclusion. A beauty like you deserves the world.”

I reach out and trail a hand down his muscular back, before embracing him from behind, my arms wrapping tightly around his waist. “Well, this is not your choice,” I answer. “It’s mine. If you’ll love me and share your days and nights with me and our children, that is all I need.”

Omen sighs, the sound like a breath of wind in the darkness. “I would have settled for offspring and let you free, Penelope.”

“I am free,” I say, a smile quirking my lips. “I’m freer in this moment, on this night, than I have ever been. I can’t go back to what I knew, knowing you’re here. I know it in my heart. I’d just come back. So, I’ll just never leave in the first place.” I gently release Omen. “Look at me.”

Omen relaxes his wings and turns to face me.

“I want this. Unless you reject me and send me away, I will stay.”

Omen catches my small face in his large hands. “I’d never send you away. I want to keep you.”

“Then I’m yours.”

In the next instant the Mothman stoops down to kiss me.

Despite hismaw of sharpteeth, I have no fear. I know he won’t hurt me—at least not in any way I’m not more than happy to endure. My hands wander between us, trailing down his abs, to the delicious V, and to his stiffening cock. I gasp, breaking our kiss to look down in wonder. “It’s smooth!” I marvel.

Omen’s lips are slack with lust. “Of course. My cock returns to a normal state when it’s not engorged with eggs.”

A wicked thought crosses my mind, and I lick my lips. “Well, then,” I say. “I think it’s my turn to show what I can do with this mouth of mine, and then maybe we can find another place for it…” With that, I turn him around and playfully shove him backward.

The Mothman’s startlingly midnight-black skin has the most beautiful sheen, made more obvious by the combined luminance of the moon and the fire. He allows himself to fall into our eclectic nest, a broad andlunaticsmile on his face.

“Just relax,” I purr, getting down on my knees to crawl between his lithe and muscular thighs. “We’ll take care of each other.” I take his big, smooth cock in hand, and tucking my hair behind my ears, I bob forward, my hot mouth enveloping the tip.

Omen moans. “Sweet girl,” he breathes. “The women of my time were not so forward.”

I kiss the head of his cock, and glance up to meet his gaze. “Well, welcome to the twentieth century.” I grin. “Women take what they want.” And then I’m down again, my tongue swirling around his head and my other hand strokes his hard and impressive length. When he’s thoroughly drenched in my saliva, I take him deeper and deeper, until he hits my gag reflex. I hold him hostage there as my throat spasms around him. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that I was born to deep-throat.

Again and again, I plunge him deep into my tender throat. His exclamations of ecstasy and his growly moans serve only to spur me on, encouraging me to greater efforts.

Then, without warning, he seizes the sides of my head, and begins to thrust his hips, fucking my face with a frenzied passion.

Relaxing my throat, I allow him to use me as he will, like a puppet of human flesh to be used and abused for pleasure. And as my eyes water, and I gasp around his cock, I feel whole. This strange, cursed monster is the missing piece of my life’s jigsaw puzzle. Being his mate and having him claim my womb and face is erotic in ways I can’t even begin to describe.

“Oh, fuck,” Omen grates out as he continues. “Penny, I’m going to come.”

With hot tears of exertion streaming down my face, I give his thigh a squeeze. My physical consent that it’s all right. I brace myself as his thrusts become even more inhuman, and my face is all but mashed into his groin as he plunders me deep, seemingly desperate to spill his load directly into my stomach.
