Page 9 of Lunatic Desires

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“Thank you,” I say, before he disappears into the last shreds of darkness that remain.

Leaving my car unlocked, with the keys in the ignition, I return to the trees to await my monstrous mate. “Well, this is it,” I whisper to myself. “No more running. West Virginia is our home. Now, and for always.”

Chapter Ten

As the dawn grows brighter, Omen retreats into a secondary den within our cave. The morning light hurts his eyes. I join him, filling the space with candles and cushions for comfort. “What do you eat, Omen?” I ask as I sink down beside him. “Do you even need to?”

Omen laughs, his bright teeth gleaming in the candlelight. “I do eat, though my diet is not like my insect kin. I hunt and eat game, like deer and rabbit, and sometimes ducks and wild geese. But right now? I’m going to eat you.”

I gasp as I’m taken by surprise.

My devious Mothman stalks on top of me, tearing my clothes from my body with ease. Then he lowers his head to my chest, swirling his tongue around my hard nipples, before leaving a trail of hot kisses down my belly. He pushes my legs apart wide, dropping between my thighs, his lips tease my clit, his tongue snaking out to flick and suckle it.

I want to crawl out of my own skin. My God, that feels good! I bite my own fist as I moan, my other hand clutching at the blankets beneath me.

His tongue sinks inside me, pumping, deeper and deeper—impossibly deep.

I raise myself up on my elbows, eyes wide in the dim light. “Omen,” I breathe. “How long is your tongue?”

Omen lifts his head, retracting his wicked tongue from my pussy, before revealing the impossible truth. It’s obscenely long and thick, just like a popular comic book alien antihero. It’s as unnerving as it is amazing.

I can feel myself growing wet just at the sight of it. “Oh my.”It’s longer than his cock! Holy fuck!And then all logical thought and contemplation leave me as in the next heartbeat that monstrous tongue is plunging back inside of me, probing depths that no man ever has before. Guttural moans tumble unchecked from my mouth as I experience the best fucking oral of my life.Sweet Jesus.He’s ruined me. I’m his forever! Between his knotty cock and this magnificent tongue, I’m set for the rest of my days.

For how long this relentless clit-and-cunt torture goes on, I can’t say. I lose track of how many times I come. There’s just wave after wave of toe-curling ecstasy. Each merges into the next, until it seems my poor pussy is just trapped in one long, wickedly cruel orgasm. Tears leak from my eyes and soon I’m begging him to stop. I feel jelly-legged, or like a wrung-out towel. I’ve got no more energy. He’s literally licked, sucked, and tongue-fucked it out of me.

“Last time, my mate. Come for me,” growls Omen, before slapping my pussy as if it were an ass. I’m so riled and strung out that the sharp sting does it for me, and I scream out, my cunt spasming uncontrollably as I writhe on our makeshift nest like a cut snake.

Omen sits back on his haunches, just watching me, clearly satisfied with a job well done. “Are you happy, mate?” he asks.

I rake my fingers through my hair and stare at the cavern roof above, huffing out a dramatic breath. “I have never experienced anything like that before. I don’t think I could stand right now, even if I wanted to. I’m fucking well fucked. Thank you.”

Omen grins. “Good. I’ll steal the legs from you at least twice a day from now until our end.”

I roll over onto my side and snuggle up. “Sounds too good to be true.”

My Mothman gently lays a heavy wool blanket over me, then spoons in behind me, wrapping a protective arm over me. “For now, let’s rest,” he says, his breath hot on my ear. “But I’m going to go hunting once it gets dark. Sleep well, Penny. When I return, I’ll rustle up something for you. You’ll no doubt be ravenous when you wake.” He chuckles.

“Mmm,” I moan softly. “A hot meal would be amazing.” Fatigue begins to wash over me, tugging mercilessly at my eyelids. “Thank you, mate,” I whisper, before giving into the promise of sex-satiated oblivion.


The smell of roasted game reaches my senses and I stir, stretching and yawning. I place my flat palm against my stomach. It feels slightly more firm than usual, which isn’t surprising, given my womb is currently gestating seven eggs. “I’m going to take care of you, little ones,” I coo, rubbing circles on my belly. “And your father will protect us all.”

Fumbling through one of my bags, I locate my fluffy bathrobe and shrug it on, then wrap the fabric belt around my waist and secure it with a casual knot. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I wander out into the central cavern where the firepit burns cheerfully. “Oh my God, I breathe. “It’s dark. I slept all day?”

The stars shimmer beyond, as Omen rises from beside the pit, a plate of steaming roasted meat in hand. “You did,” he says. “It’s a few hours after sunset. I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

I yawn again and plonk myself down on a cushion facing the incredible view. “Is that for me?” I ask, hunger stirring in my belly. “It smells delicious. What is it?”

“Rabbit,” says Omen, dropping down beside me. He passes me the plate with a smile. “Eat up, mate. Incubating our babies is going to take a lot out of you, but I’ll keep you fed and safe. I promise.”

The meat is crispy on the outside, and perfectly succulent inside. I carefully pick at a piece, burning my fingertips, but I’m so hungry I don’t care. Piece after piece, I devour my portion, then suck my greasy fingers clean. “Thank you, Omen. That was delicious. I swear the meat just melted in my mouth.”

“What can I say?” says the Mothman. “I’m a sexy monster that can cook.”

“You can say that again,” I agree, leaving the plate on the ground before pouncing on him. “I never imagined I could be so lucky,” I say, pleased to feel Omen’s stiff black cock against me. “How about I steal the legs fromyou?” I challenge, before pushing him back and positioning myself directly above him.

“You can try,” he counters as his strong hands take hold of my waist.

Taking his cock in my hand, I rub it against my already wet slit, dipping his head just inside my cunt, before removing it and sliding it back. Holding my breath, I ease my weight down and his cock punctures my puckered, tight ass.My God, he’s huge.

A hiss escapes him, and his eyes gleam with feral lust.

I take him all the way, until I’m sitting on him, flush against his firm sac. Biting my lip, I offer him a seductively playful smirk. “You bet your ass I’m going to try.”

As the moonlight pours into our cozy mountaintop cavern, bathing us in its mystical light, I feel empowered beyond my wildest and most lunatic desires.I’m going to fuck the Mothman’s bloody brains out!No regrets. I don’t need photographs. I’m going to live every moment, every day like it’s my last.

The End
