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Normally, he’d been incredibly adept at making things happen for me, but this time, something was slowing him down, and I was incredibly frustrated by his incompetence. I hated the idea of replacing him, but I also couldn't continue on like this with him. I hoped he’d see the light and get things going before I met with a critical investor tomorrow. I needed to know things were in motion and being handled. I wouldn't tolerate anything less. I couldn’t, not with so much hinging on this deal. It was critical that we kept things moving along. I needed this to go through so I could wash my hands of the past and move forward.

When the flight attendant came by, I ordered a whiskey and sent Addison back another bloody mary.

I glanced back when she received it and she mouthed “Thank you.” And shook her head with a grin. I turned back in my seat and smiled. She was stubborn, I was coming to learn, that was for sure, but I liked that about her.

A few hours later, when I glanced back again, she had her hair up in a messy pile on the top of her head, with an eye mask over her eyes. Her neck was crooked against the window and her mouth hung open. I chuckled to myself, enjoying the view.

* * *

When I steppedoff the plane into the hot and humid Hawaiian air, I looked around for Addison, but she was nowhere to be found. I wondered if that was it. I would be in Hawaii for just a few days to take care of business and then straight back to the office. I shook my head, knowing it was highly unlikely that I would bump into her again.

When I finally made it up to my room, I flicked on the shower and watched as the steam curled and spun around the room. I hung my suit up in the closet and stepped into the hot shower, rinsing myself of the stale air from the plane. One of the many reasons I preferred taking my private jet, but on this occasion, it was well worthwhile to lend it to my dear friend, Carter. I hoped my attempt to get him home in time for the birth of his first child would be successful. A small favor to provide to one of my closest confidants really, but nonetheless, I certainly would have certainly preferred to fly to Hawaii on my own jet rather than commercial. Perhaps then I would have convinced Addison to join me, and we could have spent a few more moments together, perhaps in the back of the plane, before going our separate ways.

I stepped under the water and let the stream pour over me as images from the night before flicked through my mind. Addison waltzing into the hotel with her tear-stained face. The look in her eyes as I ripped her wedding gown off of her, and the way her soft skin had felt under my touch. The temptation I had felt in that moment to give her the honeymoon night she’d imagined.

How I would have loved to lead her over to the bed, and kiss a path down that soft back, before taking a bite out of that perky peachy ass. I was stiff as a board thinking about it, and I stroked myself under the hot stream of water. I was reliving the bolt of electricity that had shot through me when she’d leaned in and given me that quick kiss on the cheek in the airport lounge. I had wanted to move the mere inch it would have taken and press my lips to hers and devour her mouth. My breathing picked up as I remembered the sweet taste of her skin mingled with the Tajin I had wiped off her mouth. I had not even realized I’d reached out until she gave me that wide doe eyed look that told me she’d be putty under my touch.

I stroked myself faster and imagined what it would have been like to have taken her on my private jet. I leaned my arm above my head on the shower wall as I ran my hand over myself, imagining that I would have carried her to the room in the back of my plane and how warm and soft her skin would have felt under those layers of bright pink fleece. I grunted as I pictured consuming her with my mouth and then sinking into her tight, wet warmth. Then I exploded, emptying myself out and watching my ejaculate finally swirl down the drain.


I leaned against the wall for a moment longer as the thought of being with her swirled around me in the steam. Finally, I grabbed my towel and stepped out of the shower. I put on a more casual outfit, appropriate for the heat; a white short sleeve button down, and since I had packed light, I paired it with the slacks I had been wearing earlier.

I walked down to the hotel bar and grabbed a drink, deciding to go put my feet in the sand before dinner was served. The sun was beginning to set, and a brilliant orange sunset sprayed across the sky. I walked down the steps to the sand, and towards the sound of crashing waves, the smell of food wafted through the air as I sipped my whiskey. As I wandered down the beach a ways, I spotted a giant bonfire and headed in that direction.

As I approached, I clicked my tongue, and a smile played on my lips.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” I called out.

“Oh! Hey.” Addison grunted, but perked up at seeing me. I could see reflective streaks from the firelight on her cheeks. She’d clearly been crying again.

“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.” I said, nodding to the fire.

She pursed her lips and cocked her head. “Really? Oh… I hadn’t thought about that.” She put her hands on her hips and looked around. “Well, too late now.”

She had a big stick and was shoving her giant wedding dress into the fire in an attempt to burn it. Black tendrils of smoke erupted out of the fabric as it slowly caught fire.

“Well, you can pay someone off for me, I’m sure.” She gave me a look and smiled, causing all the blood to rush to my groin again.

This woman.

“I suppose you're right.” I nodded. “Speaking of.” I nodded towards the road where a police car was pulling up.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Addison kicked a bunch of sand into the fire in a frantic effort to put it out and scrambled over to me. She grabbed my hand and dragged me back down the beach. “Run!” She giggled as we sprinted hand in hand back up the beach.

Dusk had begun to settle, and further up the beach, we were mostly veiled by the darkness. The sand felt slightly cool under my feet now as we sprinted back towards the hotel. Finally, when it seemed we were completely out of sight, we slowed down to a walk, each of us breathing heavily, trying to catch our breath. We approached the steps up to the hotel.

“Are you staying here too?” She said, out of breath.

“I am.” I nodded.

“Of course you are! What are the odds?” She shook her head, and then suddenly realizing we were still holding hands, she got embarrassed and pulled away.

“Addison.” I took her hand in mine again. It felt so small.

She looked at our hands and then back up at me with those inviting warm green eyes. “Yes?” She said breathily.

“Join me for dinner.” And without waiting for a response, I pulled her along behind me up the steps to the hotel, and finally towards my reserved table on the hotel dining patio.
