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I grinned at Addison and leaned over the counter, motioning that I had something private to tell the spa attendant. “We got a little… rambunctious in there. You can bill the damages to Penthouse Suite six.” I said quietly into her ear.

“Yes, of course. Have a good rest of your day.” She tried her best to keep a professional demeanor.

Meanwhile, Addison clung to me, with her face behind my back, in a very unsuccessful attempt to suppress a giggle, completely unable to look at the spa attendant.

We headed out into the breezeway. “Thanks for the help, miss giggles.”

Addison erupted into laughter, and it was like sweet nectar to my ears.

We got onto the elevator to go back upstairs.

“I’ve had your things brought over to my room.”

She let go of my hand and leaned against the wall of the elevator, looking blissfully rosy. “How do you know that I’m going to agree to stay in your room?”

“Let’s just say I have a feeling.”

“Hmmm.” She pursed her lips, giving me a look that said, I hate that you’re right.

I leaned against the opposite wall as the elevator went up and admired her. Forty-eight hours ago, I didn’t know Addison Easton. And in forty-eight hours, I would probably never see her again. An odd feeling washed over me as I looked at her. After learning a little more about her dumbfuck fiancee, I found myself feeling more and more possessive over her.

She’s a tough cookie. She’ll be alright.

I watched her as she fidgeted breathlessly under my gaze, and it delighted me at how unraveled she got when I looked at her. She was like a little snack I was about to devour. She seemed both timid and empowered. The look on her face when I slid into her for the first time was of partial terror and lust, but she hadn’t been too off put by my massive cock, because she had climbed right back on for another ride.

I let my mind wander, wondering what other fun little items she had brought with her. I assumed a pile of lingerie was in the mix, especially after seeing the soft blue number she had worn under her wedding dress. While I preferred a good ol’ fashioned romp, seeing as I could accomplish all I wanted to with my hands, mouth, and my magic wand, I was happy to oblige if she was feeling exploratory. We could use all the fun little items she had brought in preparation for her honeymoon, or none of them for all I cared. I intended on treating Addison like a goddess for the next few days. She was mine, even if it was temporary.

I suddenly recalled the condoms in her bag and was curious why she’d brought them if she was on the pill. I suddenly hoped there hadn’t been a miscommunication, because like the greedy idiot I was, had just told her I was going to fuck her like I was going to put a baby in her, emptying the entirety of my seed into her… twice.

“So, what’s the deal with the condoms?” I asked with bated breath. Why would she have brought all those condoms if she was on birth control?

“Oh… uh….” She responded. “Why do you ask?”

“You’re on birth control, right?” I clarified, looking at her intently, waiting for the big answer.

“Yeah, no, I’m on birth control. Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Why bring all the condoms, then?” I inquired more sternly, sensing I wasn’t getting the full answer.

“I’m on birth control.”

I looked at her, not sure I believed the answer I was getting.

The elevator doors pinged open, and she pushed past me, impatiently waiting as I unlocked the hotel room door for her. She went straight to her suitcase and began digging around it.

“What are you doing?” I inquired.

“Showing you…” she continued to dig furiously until she unearthed a zippered pouch. “That I am, in fact, on birth control.” And she plucked a round packet of tiny colorful pills out and shoved them in my face. “See?”

“What’s with all the condoms, then?” I went to her tote bag and dumped it out, pointing to the pile of colorful packets that crashed out on the table.

“Agh!” She gritted her teeth and went into the bathroom, calling back. “If you must know, my future husband was worried about spawning with me, so he wanted to make sure we were double protected.”

I followed her into the bathroom and she was bracing herself over the sink, clearly emotional about it.

“Double protected?”

“Yes.” She spat. “Among the many other asinine things I agreed to, double protection was one of them.”
