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“That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.” She said somberly.

I nodded, swallowing down the ball of emotion that I refused to let surface.

“Did you meet in Afghanistan or before?” She asked softly.

“We met after we’d enlisted, but I felt like I’d known him my whole life.”

“Hmmm.” I could feel Addison's eyes drilling into me, waiting for me to continue.

“Well, that's enough of this sad sob story.” I rolled over her, and pulled her under me on the boat deck while I kissed her, and tickled her, causing her to shriek with delight.

“No! Stop! I’m so ticklish.” She shrieked between gasping breaths of laughter. After a moment, our playing turned feral, and Addison pushed me over onto my back, and climbed on top of me, straddling me as I pulled her face to mine, and tasted her sweet mouth. She sat up suddenly.

“Is it okay that we’re making out on the deck?” She asked, suddenly looking around to see if any staff were around.

“The staff are paid very well, to disappear and reappear as needed.” I assured her. “But just the same, we have a dinner reservation. I’ll let the captain know to start heading back.”

* * *

When we madeour way back up to the room, Addison whirled around with wide eyes. “Oh my God.” She walked up to the blue silk gown that was laid out on the bed.

“When did you have time to do this?”

“Try it on.”

“I have to shower all this sunscreen off first. You can join me if you want.”

“I’d love to, but I have to make a quick call before our dinner.”

She scrunched up her face. “Fine.” And then she headed for the shower.

I stepped out onto the balcony and dialed Charlie.

“Mr. West.”


“I’ve almost got everything settled on my end. I just have one little detail to iron out before they’ll approve the permits.

“What detail?” I questioned, wondering what kind of other delays we could be running into now.

“Oh, nothing big, just providing some verification from the hotels we’re partnering with. I’m just waiting to hear back from Mr. Nagamori’s team.”

“Get it done, Charlie.”

“I will Mr. West.”

With that, I hung up the phone and leaned on the balcony. Things were on track. The viability of this deal being profitable hinged on Tadashi Nagamori putting one of his hotels on the property. And that hinged on getting the building that was currently there removed. Everything needed to go according to plan so that he could build the hotel as large as he wanted. With the other lots already contracted out, it was critical that we got the permits approved to tear down the last couple buildings, otherwise no hotel, no Mr. Nagamori, and no climbing out of the hole West Industries was in.

I rubbed my temples, if I could push this last deal through, and develop these buildings, we’d be in the clear, the contract he’d signed would be completed, and we’d be free to invest and build as we pleased from here on out. I felt a deep sense of agitation at the stakes and needed the situation to finally come to a close. I was sick of jumping through these hoops, and at this point, I wasn’t doing it for my father. I was doing it so I could finally run the company the way I saw fit. I needed the dark shadow that had been over me since I’d taken over to finally disappear.

I gripped the railing and thought of the empty house I was about to go back to. After spending the last day or two with Addison, I suddenly remembered what it was like to be married and come home to a doting wife. Before Amelia had thrown it all away. And at the time, I’d needed her most. I’d found myself becoming more and more hardened, closing myself off from relationships. While I had a steady stream of women available to me, if I ever wanted company, I knew I couldn’t have a relationship with any of them. Most of them were after my money, and in the end, the few women I’d try to spend time with had been more interested in what I could do for them financially. I wasn't about to say ‘I do’ to another woman and give her half of my fortune. No, I had already learned that lesson the hard way. Everyone I ever loved left me, or died.

There was a knock on the door. I answered it, tipping the staff member who handed me a long skinny velvet jewelry box. I closed the door and flipped the box open, a small diamond tennis bracelet for Addison. A memento of our time together. So much for keeping our time together casual. Whatever, it was a drop in the bucket for me, and I hoped she’d like it. Addison came out in a robe with her hair blow dried in fluffy waves over her shoulders.

“Who was that?”

“Just the staff dropping off some fresh towels. You know you’re welcome to continue staying in the suite after I leave.” I said.
