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Mike pulled up outside of Jack's apartment. “Stay in the car.”

“Like hell I will.” I grabbed the door handle, barely getting the door open, before Mike was outside my door, swiftly closing it. “I said stay in the car.” He said sternly.


“I will get Potato and bring him out to you.”

I gritted my teeth. “Fine.”

Moments later, Mike emerged from Jack's apartment with Potato trying desperately to claw his way over his shoulder. Mike swiftly opened the door and handed me the cat.

“I’ll be right back.”

“What? What are you doing?” I asked frantically.

“Do not. Under any circumstances, get out of the car. Do you understand?”

“But Mike–”

He slammed the door in my face, and I watched in horror as he made his way back up the stairs. I clutched Potato to my chest, stroking him, checking him. He looked totally fine, though a little out of sorts from being carted all over town today. He looked at me, confused and meowed.

“It’s ok, you’re ok.” I squeezed him to my chest, and stroked his head. He finally gave way to purring and relaxed against me, accepting it.

Mike came back down the steps, and a shiver went up my spine. There were small specks of red splattered across the white button-down shirt he wore under his suit. He got into the car and started driving.

“What happened?” I asked frantically?

“It’s not your concern.”

“Like hell it is.”

Mike kept driving without another word. I sat there mulling it over. I was just glad Potato was okay, and I was furious at Jack. In what world was it okay to break into your ex’s house, and then steal their pet? Part of me was annoyed that Mike had been the one to go inside, because I would have liked to have given Jack a piece of my mind. Un-fucking-believable. My heart rate slowly started to settle as we drove, and then I looked up and realized we were on the wrong side of town.

“Mike, you’re going the wrong way.”

He said nothing.

“Mike, where are you taking me?” I demanded.

Finally, he responded, “We’re almost there.”

We drove just out of town, and it suddenly hit me. He was taking me to Damian’s. The last time I’d been brought here, I was unconscious, so I hadn’t seen what it looked like driving up. And when I’d left the last time, I’d been too busy making out with Damion in the car to even notice outside. The car pulled to a stop, and Mike rounded the car and opened the door.

With Potato clutched to my chest, and my purse slung over one shoulder, I followed Mike into the house, and through the grand entry. I followed him down a hall and he pushed the door into Damian’s home office open, and then Mike disappeared.

Damian was immediately at my side. My face held in his hands, he examined me.

“Are you alright, are you hurt?”

“I’m fine. Mike went inside. I just sat in the car like a lump.”

“Good.” Upon seeing that I was alright, his eyes were now dark and angry. “If that scumbag had laid a finger on you.”

“We’re all fine.” I huffed. “Potato is fine, I’m fine. Now I’m exhausted, and don’t know why Mike brought me here. I'm still not feeling good, and I’d like to sleep in my own bed.”

Damian looked at me with a calm look in his eye and softly scoffed. He went back to his desk and began typing.

“Damian.” I said firmly. He finally looked up at me.

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