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E.Z. leaned over, presenting a steaming cup of coffee. He grinned like he’d offered the most incredible gift known to man. He was, but I was never a morning person, and honestly, he had startled me awake.

“E.Z., really?” I objected, shoving him away before attempting to roll over and stretch out my sore muscles. He hadn’t budged and, if anything, settled closer into the cot. It left me smooshed against the wall and a hard body that had way too much energy.

“I could get used to waking up to you in the morning. You look all pink and cuddly, and less cranky when you’re sleeping.” E.Z.’s voice even smiled.

“It's too early in the morning for your brand of wacko,” I groaned, trying to shove him away so I could have some room.

He smirked, and without even knowing where his mind went, I knew I’d made a mistake.

“Oh, Kaia Tangerine, it’s never too early for my brand. You just have to ask. I promise you’ll like it. I can mark you up real pretty.” He winked and then shifted, finally giving me space.

I rolled my eyes, sitting up and looking around. No one else was present. Last night's dinner had been cleared, and besides the remnants of the fire, there was no evidence anyone had stayed here. Even the bedding had been cleared off the floor already. How did I sleep through all that?

“Where is everyone?” I asked around a yawn, reaching for the coffee and smiling in thanks as E.Z. handed it over.

“They knew you wanted some time alone with me, so they’re giving us space,” E.Z. answered with a completely straight face. When I glared at him, he flashed his white teeth at me and said, “Aiden got an early start to secure a meeting with the rebel leaders. That way, you can be introduced and ask questions. Ash and Griff are watering the horses and refilling the saddle bags.” Then he grinned again. “I volunteered to keep you company so you wouldn’t feel alone and scared if you woke up and we were all gone.”

“No, you didn’t,” Elijah challenged as he and Griffin pushed into the cabin. “We just didn’t want to deal with you this morning. You sure have a lot of energy for someone who complained they didn’t get enough sleep.”

“I am tired. I had the mid-watch shift, so I didn’t get to sleep much. Griffin woke me up at a good part in a wonderful dream. And even when it was your turn, I couldn’t sleep. Griffin hogged the covers and snored. He also refused cuddles, and I needed one,” E.Z. returned. “Next time, I’m sleeping with Kaia. You’d cuddle me, right, Kaia Snuggle Bear? You look super soft.”

“You’re not sleeping with Kaia,” Griffin stated in a tone that accepted no argument.

My face instantly heated. In this small space, it was difficult to find something to look at that wasn’t them. I busied myself looking anywhere else, something I anticipated constantly having to do around E.Z.. And I didn’t find myself upset about that for some reason.

“We’re ready to head out.” Elijah redirected the conversation. “Aiden left and will meet us with the news.”

“Why did he go alone?” I questioned, standing.

“He’s the only one with connections to their leaders. He needed to speak on our behalf before we could arrange a meeting,” Elijah said, leading us out.

“Aiden promised to secure another horse today, so you won’t need to double up much longer.” Griffin stood behind me, his mouth close to my ear. “You can ride with me for now if you’d like.”

I blushed. Between the deep rumble of Griffin’s voice and how close he was, I couldn’t think of anything but the feel of his body against mine and the taste of his lips from the night before.

I hesitated, not knowing if I should be wrapped around him so soon. On the other hand, Griffin had been such a tremendous help the night before and I was hesitant to refuse his offer.

When I looked over my shoulder at him, he stood close, observing my reaction to his words with heated eyes.

“Come on, Kaia, you’re with me today,” E.Z. insisted, sparing me the need to respond. He pointed his finger in Griffin’s direction. “Nope. She’s mine today. You got her last night. Now it’s my turn.” He grabbed my hand and started to bodily drag me along.

I shot a look of apology to Griffin, smiling shyly as I allowed E.Z. to drag me behind him.

The guys had tied the horses by the temple ruins, which looked significantly less dismal and sad than the night before.

The whole area was different in the daylight, and I almost forgot I should be scared of this wood. The grass shimmered in the breeze. A patch of wildflowers had bloomed overnight where Griffin and I had talked. Sunlight streamed through the ruin's one remaining window, shimmering over the statue of the proud Goddess. She was no longer a fallen Goddess but one just waking up from her bed of wildflowers. The whole scene was gorgeous.

I mounted behind E.Z. and sucked in a fortifying breath. That day felt like the first day of the rest of my life. Something had changed in me when I talked to Griffin. I would remember those I had lost and mourn them. But I was going to live. I was going to fight. And I was going to try to find my place with these men.

* * *

“I heard you all joined the Denalians at the same time,” I interrupted E.Z. during the only piece of his story that didn’t seem too far-fetched to be real. He had talked the whole time we rode, his stories unbelievable at times. “Griffin joined after you guys?”

“Ash and I met when we were kids,” E.Z. said. “We were always together. Aiden, we met in the early years of training. The three of us rose to the Denailians together. We were a package deal. The three of us started early and advanced quickly in the ranks. Griffin became a recruit later, but we’ve always known him.” E.Z. snorted. “Well, we knew him in the way you know someone who you’ve never spoken to or wanted to approach. He was too big of a dick to follow directions or work with a team. Actually, he refused to even speak to anyone. Anyway, he was on another side of the training yard, but we watched that asshole. He was impressively skilled. Have you seen that man Use? Damn, he’s powerful.” E.Z. snorted, teasingly poking my knee. “What am I talking about? Of course, you’ve seen him Use. He healed you. The two of you were hot to watch back at that stream. Woo-wee! The tension between you two. Man, I’m going to have to work overtime to win you first, aren’t I?”

“E.Z., you ran off topic there for a bit,” I said instead of acknowledging those comments.

I wasn’t even mortified. I had received plenty of those comments during the ride. I think I would actually miss them if he stopped. They were over the top, just like him. It suited him.
