Page 22 of Ruthless Vows

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I’d wondered myself why Nikolai hadn’t leveraged Asha’s night with Matvei into a means to find out more, the way I’m here trying to do. With just those few words—he and I were closer, once—I think I have my answer. He must have cared for her at one point, before Lilliana—maybe still does—and he doesn’t want to put her in danger.

That throb of jealousy pulses through me again, thinking of the two of them together. I’ve never been a jealous man with anyone, never cared enough to wonder all that much, but having another face to put to another man who’s been with Asha, especially one I know that well, makes me feel like I’m burning up inside. The way she said it—he wasn’t just an employer dipping into his own stash. There was something between them, and I have to fight the urge to cross that foot of space between us, knot my fingers in her silky black hair, and kiss her until she forgets the taste of his lips and only remembers the heat of mine.

And why not?I think for one dark, surprising moment.You paid for this. She’s yours for the night. Why not kiss her however you please?

Asha sucks in a soft breath, her eyes flickering over my face, and it brings me back to the present moment. She’s good at reading people, I realize—desire most of all. Of course, she is, it’s her job to be able to do just that…and I think she could read everything I was just thinking a moment ago.

I have no idea what’s going throughherhead, though.

“Nikolai and my boss are looking into other means of gathering information right now,” I tell her as calmly as I can manage, pushing all thoughts of Asha and kisses—mine or those from other men—out of my head as best as I can. “It was my idea to follow up with you, knowing you spent an evening with Matvei. Did he request you specifically that night?”

Asha purses her lips, her arms tightening where they’re crossed beneath her breasts, as if she’s trying to decide just how long to entertain this. “Nikolai chooses the girl who will be the prize for the winner of the poker game,” she says finally. “It’s an event we do every few months. It was Nikolai’s idea to have me be the prize this time, because Matvei would be at the table.”

“So you could get information from him?”

Asha snorts. “No. Nikolai wasn’t setting me up as aspy.” She laughs. “Matvei is new in town, as I’m sure you know. He applied for membership here. Some of the talk about him made Nikolai wonder if he would be a good fit for the club, but he didn’t want to antagonize him right from the start. So he approved the membership and asked me to be the one to take on his first session—either at the game if he won, or after, if he didn’t. He thought I would be the one most capable of handling him if it—went poorly.”

There’s a hard edge to the way she says the last words that tell me, without even having to ask, that something about that night did go poorly. The jealousy burning in my gut twists into a knot of rage at the thought of Matvei hurting her, ofanyonehurting her, and I feel my jaw tighten. I let out a slow breath, calming myself, but I want nothing more than to get my hands on him and wring his neck for having dared to touch Asha in any way that she didn’t want.

“Did you hear anything that might be helpful for Nikolai, during the session?” I take another sip of my whiskey, shoving down just how much I don’t want to hear about what Matvei and Asha did in this room—the same room where she tied me up and teased me, and made me come in a way that I’ll be thinking about when my own hand is on my cock for a long time—and Asha shakes her head.

“He—” she pauses suddenly, cocking her head a little to one side as she appraises me, a sudden glint in her eye. “How much do you actually know about these sorts of clubs, Finn? What goes on here, I mean. You said you don’t come to them often.” Her lips twitch, and I can see from the look on her face that she’s beginning to realize just how out of my depth I am.

And she’s enjoying it a little too much.

I try to keep my expression smooth, shrugging. “Enough,” I tell her, hoping that being purposefully vague will get her to change the subject, but it has the exact opposite effect.

Her lips twitch again, spreading from a smirk into a smile that tells me she’s figuring it out far too quickly for my liking. “You came here last night to ask me these questions,” she says slowly. “You didn’t know what to ask Callie for when you checked in, because you don’t justnot come to these places often,you don’t come to them at all. So you didn’t think to ask for what you wanted specifically. You just chose me, not knowing what I typically do—and you stumbled right into hiring a domme for the night.”

Her words are laced with laughter by the time she’s finished, her eyes sparkling with merriment. I feel a burn of annoyance fill my chest as I finish the whiskey and set the glass down, a touch harder than strictly necessary.

“I did come here to ask you questions,” I tell her flatly. “And you—”

“Distracted you?” She preens a little at me, tossing her hair to one side, her tongue flicking out against those red lips again, but not nervously this time. This time, it’s entirely fucking intentional, and she knowsexactlywhat she’s doing to me.

My cock twitches, seeing her tongue slide over her full, plush lower lip. I know just how good those lips feel pressed against my sensitive flesh, and I want her to fucking do it again.God, I want her, and the situation is rapidly spiraling out of my control again. I’ve been half-hard since the moment she walked up to me at the bar, and even now, I can feel myself stiffening, my mind split between the conversation we’re supposed to be having and imagining all the things I could do to her in this room.

“I have half a mind to spank you, just for laughing at me,” I growl at her, trying to get the upper hand back, and Asha snorts, her eyes still dancing with that same laughter.

“You told Mari that you wanted the same thing. So you paid for a domme tonight, once again—and once again without realizing what you were doing, I think.” She bites her lower lip lightly, glancing down at my cock. “MaybeIshould be the one spankingyou, for not paying attention to your lesson last night.”

Why the fuck does that turn me on?I’ve never craved having a woman talk to me that way in my life, never fantasized about anything like that, but as Asha steps closer to me, closing that space between us so that she’s within touching distance, I’m suddenly very aware of the wall at my back, of how close she is, of the way she boxes me in as if she’s the one in charge—and clearly she thinks that she is.

She might actuallybethe one in charge, considering that one sentence has me hard as a rock, and I have no idea why.

Asha reaches out, trailing one sharp, black-painted fingernail down the front of my shirt. I wore a button-down tonight, and her nail catches on the edge of one of them, tugging lightly. “You’ve never had a woman do that to you, have you, Finn? Cuff you face down to a spanking bench and flog that muscled ass of yours while you grind on the leather, wishing you were fucking me instead of making yourself come while I punish you?”

I hear her voice thicken, just a little, feel the faintest shudder of desire that goes through her, and I realize with a start that this is what turnsheron. Shelikesthis—I remember last night, that soaked strip of leather between her legs, the way she was so swollen and wet when she pushed it aside, her fingers rapidly moving over her clit as she made herself come.

It’s not fake, I realize with a jolt of lust so intense that it weakens my knees a little and hardens my cock beyond belief.She really came last night. And maybe on the stage, too.

But I’m not about to let her see just how inexperienced with all of this I really am—not if I have anything to say about it, anyway.

She’s already two steps ahead of me, though. I don’t even have to answer for her to know that I haven’t done that—I can see it in her face, in the teasing laughter in her eyes. “I bet last night was the first time you’ve been tied up at all. Have you ever had a woman tell you to take your clothes off before? Or are youalwaysthe one giving all the orders? You certainly seem good at coming in here and interrogating me tonight—”

I reach for her before I can stop myself, my hands closing on her upper arms as I switch our positions in an instant, her back against the wall as I crowd closer to her, our hips nearly pressed together, my cock so close to grinding into her thigh. I look down at her, my hands still wrapped around her arms—firmly, but not enough to hurt. “I haven’t interrogated you yet, Asha,” I breathe, looking down at her full mouth. “This isn’t how I go about interrogations. But if you like receiving pain as much as I’m starting to guess you like handing it out, we could try that.”

Truthfully, I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about that, either. When I think ofbeing in chargein bed, I think about telling a woman exactly what it is that I want her to do, telling her what a good job she’s doing, talking dirty—any number of things that don’t include cuffs and whips and floggers and whatever else Asha has tucked away in all the drawers and crevices in this room. But suddenly, the idea of having Asha tied down, seeing her pretty pale flesh turn pink under the burn of my hand as she squirms and begs—
