Page 19 of Riding Curves

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“I sent a guy out to rush the signing.” Tears fall off Chap’s cheek.

I’m frozen still, and while I know I should say something, the words won’t come out.

Instead, I nod over and over as fast as I can, tears falling in succession as Austin bounds up onto the stage and buries himself in Chap’s arms.

“You’re going to be my dad?”

“If you’ll have me, buddy.”

I land against his chest, breathing him in as he holds Austin close.

Chap leans in and lands a kiss on my lips, my cheek, my neck, scrubbing his beard against my skin as he moves. With every moment we share together, I believe it’s the best I’m ever going to have, and then another one spills in to surprise me.

How is this happening? How am I finally happy? How did I find the man I was supposed to be with and how did we end up here on the porch of this gorgeous lodge holding my son? Holdingourson.

Henry takes the stage and diverts the cheering crowd back to the opening of the lodge. I’m sure he goes on and on about cookies, gingerbread houses, raffles and rooms and dates, but all I can focus on is the love of my life and the way he holds my son. The way he makes us smile. The way he loves with all his heart. There's never been a luckier girl, I’m sure of it.

“You two make an adorable couple.” Mrs. Robinson meets us at the side of the porch and reaches toward us for a hug. “I expect loads of visits.”

“You got it,” Chap says kissing her forehead. “We expect them too. You’re welcome any time. I’ve got a boy here that’s going to be learning the ranch. I know you have some good advice to share about that.”

Mrs. Robinson bends down and ruffles Austin’s hair. “You’re in for a world of fun out there in the woods with your dad. He’s got some of the best building skills on the mountain.”

“I know!” Austin chirps. “We’ve been building a sled for winter. I can’t wait to see it go!”

Mrs. Robinson smiles. “You are a beautiful family. Cherish it every day.”

I can’t imagine not cherishing this.

“Hey, you haven’t seen Grace, have you? She was supposed to be here today, but she hasn’t showed yet.”

“Why yes, dear. She stopped by for some advice a few days ago. She said she’d met a man. They were going to check out some rockers for the lodge. Diesel said they were too short for the porch. She said they’d be back by this evening in time for dinner service.”

Okay. This makes more sense now.

Chap hugs Mrs. Robinson and Austin and I follow his lead as we help her up onto the porch and into the empty rocker.

She pulls out an envelope. “Here. I want you to take this and put it toward Austin. Something he loves. Something he’ll have fun with.”

My brows crinkle as I open the envelope to see a stack of hundred-dollar bills lined up next to one another. “What? No. We can’t take this. It’s too much.”

“Nonsense, dear. I want you to have it. I can’t take any of it where I’m going.”

“Stop!” Chap pats her playfully. “You’re here for a long time yet. Hate to tell you. And we’re not taking that money. You’re on a fixed income, remember?”

“I’ve got plenty of money, dear. More money than I know what to do with.”

His brows wrinkle. “Then why didn’t you bid more the other night at the auction? It’s our thing. You win me, then I take you for whiskey shots.”

She smiles gently. “Everything happens for a reason, doesn’t it?”

Chap and I glance toward each other, and I lean against his chest full of love and hope for the life we’re about to live.

“Yes,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Everything does happen for a reason.”
