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“It was the truth. I am pregnant, Ross.”

He stared at her with numb rage. “You aborted our daughters,” he rasped, “But you’ll breed with that clown?”

“I had to do it, Ross. I had to give Charlie a baby.”

“Money. It was always about his money.”

“That doesn’t change things for me. You were the one who left me,” Tina argued. “Ross…what we had sexually…” Tina pressed her body against his. He responded to her, aching to hold her close, to shove her against the wall and drive his cock deep inside her. But he controlled it…he controlled it.

“We could still have it,” Tina whispered in his ear, sending goosebumps up his arms. “You never even wanted a relationship, Ross. I get that. It’s fine, honey…We could keep it going…just you and me. As long as you wanted. Charlie doesn’t have to know.” She got on her knees again and took his hard and aching dick into her mouth.

“Mmm,” she said. “Mmm…Baby…always like this…”

A few minuteslater Ross returned to the main parlor. People were milling around talking, gossiping. He wanted to leave— now. He only had to find Elroy for the sake of good manners.

A survey of the room showed that Quinton had barely moved from his spot. He was beaming all around the room, thinking happy Quinton thoughts. The blonde giant raised his new Miller Lite in salutation. “Elroy just passed. He was looking for Tina? Discussing that faggotty-ass art thing y’all do every year.”

“This year they lowered the entrance fee, Quinton. Now you can come instead of just hating.”

“Ha! You asshole. Where’s Tina?”

“The Ladies.”

Quinton looked him up and down. “Y’all fucked?”


“You two go together like a frozen turkey and a deep fryer.”

Ross glanced around and saw Charlie Goldfinger glaring daggers at him from across the room. Where was the big-titted redhead? Gone. Ross stared back at Charlie without blinking. He let the rage come. The entire time he’d been seeing Tina, Charlie had been fucking her and plotting his move.

Ross would never know what possessed Charlie to marry Tina against the wishes of his family. But sure enough he treated Tina the same as he’d done to many. His interest in a woman never lasted long. Charlie was a scumbag, but Tina married him for his money. In a way they deserved each other.

Eventually Charlie lowered his gaze and stormed off, maybe in search of Tina, or more cocaine. It was a small satisfaction to Ross that Charlie was scared of him.

“Guess who called while you and Tina were definitely-not-fucking?”


“Manny,” Quinton said, excited. “He’s in town tonight.”

“What, inRowanville?” Ross hadn’t heard from Manny since leaving Tokyo. What would bring Manny all the way out here in backcountry Virginia? He glanced at Quinton from the corner of his eye but decided not to inquire. He’d find out soon enough, knowing Quinton.

“Sure ‘nuf. Reckon we’ll see him tomorrow,” Quinton nodded. “By the way— that girl Arabella? She’s friends with this girl Nadia, right? Oil money. Daddy’s worth like a gazillion. Got hawks and shit, mazzis. Prince Saudi-bin-Aladdin or whatever the fuck. There she is. You should totally tap that. Reckon after I’m done in Samoa I should try Saudi Arabia. Reckon the women are banging.”

“Women in Saudi Arabia, known for their sexual liberties,” Ross commented.

“Are they? Excellent. There she is, Ross. Arabian princess with your name all over her.”

Ross didn’t even bother look where Quinton was pointing, nor did he try to decipher what the fuck Quinton was talking about. He glanced at his watch. “I’m out, Quint.”

“No doubt. Take a bottle with you,” said Quinton. “Elroy’s such a cube he won’t care.”

Elroy’s drivertook Ross back to Rowanville. Ross lived in Crown Vista, a wealthy corner of the county. The famous architect Rachmann Weiss had designed the house, which Ross had purchased five years ago on his twenty-third birthday. He lived there by himself.

Ross tipped the driver and walked the half mile up his private driveway for the exercise, and to clear his head. Sounds of the night called to him. He heard crickets and an owl, and saw a colony of fireflies dancing at the top of the hill.

He put in his private code for the gate and remembered the fingerprint scanners he’d seen in Tokyo. Buy some next week. Tokyo…What a strange trip that had been. Mangjeol was in Rowanville? Had to be a good reason. Manny never left Asia these days, unless it was a trip to Los Angeles to keep an eye on the business.
