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“Miss Celine. Sure I remember,” his older brother nodded.

“Guess I was just wondering if you believed in that stuff.”

“What, hypnosis? I mean…” Roman’s eyes went distant. It was one thing Ross admired about his eldest brother— his encyclopedic knowledge of Florin and everyone who had ever lived there. Roman mused, “Hell, it’s been years since I thought about Miss Celine. Once she made Billy Sturgill swim across Fickle Pond in his underwear just for stealing her marmalade pies.”

“Exactly,” said Ross. “Billy Sturgill was terrified of water.”

Roman eyed him. “You act like you don’t remember nothing about being raised up Florin.”

“I remember some. So you believe in it, then? You think she really hypnotized him?”

“Of course. I guess it’s possible. Thinking of a career change?”

“Guess I’m just trying to figure out how far it would go. Like would it be possible to make somebody fall in love or something like that.” The minute the words left Ross’s mouth he wanted to shoot himself. Roman’s eyes went wide, and then narrow with amusement. Roman said, “Ah, just what exactly did you get up to in Japan, brother?”

“Nevermind,” snapped Ross, alarmed that Roman had struck so near to the truth even in a joke. “Just a thought, is all.”

Roman chuckled. “Well, I have always wondered about that. Hypnosis. At the time I figured Miss Celine must have dabbled in the dark arts. Of course you would have a logical explanation, Ross-boy.” He paused expectantly.

“I don’t know that much about it, truthfully,” Ross admitted.

“Right. Just a thought.” Roman gave him an odd look. “Well, as long as you aren’t locking up females in your basement and hypnotizing ‘em for nefarious means.”

“What the hell gave you that idea?” Ross snarled. “Nevermind. This is why I don’t come to you for nothing! Anyways, I got a lot of work to do, so best we pack it up. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the food.”

“You’re getting too skinny,” Roman said. “You ought to eat more.”

“Sure. Right.”

Roman cleaned up and rolled the takeout bag up between his massive hands. “You let me know about Sebastian, then, little brother.”

“Of course. Take care. My love to the kids. Bring Isaiah over some time. Actually— don’t. I’ll drive up this weekend.”

“You will?” Said Roman suspiciously.

“Yeah. I’m, ah, doing renovations.”


“Bad work done last time,” Ross lied. Once Roman cleared out Ross began doing some research on hypnosis. Sebastian and the McCall bullion were swiftly forgotten. The mountain of work on his desk went ignored.

Meanwhile at thehouse Angel had found a pencil and a notebook. She drew for hours under the raw reddish light of the guest room window, which looked down over a beautiful garden. Unfortunately the window was one of those modern types that didn’t open. She wished she could have just a little fresh air, but she would have to make do until the man of the house came home. Whenever that would be.

She copied drawings from the art books she found in this room, happy that Ross was apparently into this stuff heavy, just like she was.At one point she fell asleep, the pencil still balanced between her fingers, her cheek resting on the edge of the new drawing.

When Ross came home he found the house quiet. But he felt the new presence; the subtle change in environment that meant he wasn’t alone. He went up to Angel’s door and knocked. With no reply coming, he took his key and opened it.

The room smelled like Angel, like flowers. It was a damned good smell that played hell with his senses. The lady was sprawled out on the bed. Dressed. She wore a shirt from the guest room closet.

And the green panties.

Ross observed the suitcase in the corner. It had shocked him to see it the first time. He wondered how many more easter eggs Manny left sprinkled around his house. Making a mental note to check for cameras later, he leaned down and shook Angel by the arm.


This time she woke up immediately. Her pretty doll’s-face puckered. “Where am I?”

“Wake up, sunshine. You’re still in Virginia.”
