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Angel said, “I love you too.”

His finger. Inside her. He fucked her on his hands. She could feel it…

She moaned.

“You like that?”


“Open your legs, Princess. You won’t be a virgin anymore. I’m gonna give you twins.”

She wasn’t scared or nothing. She was excited. Somehow she knew it wouldn’t be like with Poboy. She had always wanted tenderness and love, and this man would give it to her. He was a good man— a hero. The dream was real enough that she felt a powerful surge of love.

“Babygirl,” he said again. “My wife.”

Though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was the most handsome man in the world and even if he wasn’t, she still loved him.

“Will you take care of me?” she asked him.

“Always,” he said. “I’ll always protect you.”

Poboy let out a long nasty-ass snore.

Angel’s eyes snapped open to the familiar bedroom. Samurai swords, paintings of Poboy and his pitbulls, and a picture of Poboy’s mama.

At first she couldn’t believe it. maybe this was just another layer of the dream, and if she closed her eyes she could go back to the big handsome man who smelled like a pine forest and cloves. The man who wrapped her in his strong arms and tenderly touched her body, making sure she was ready before he…Before…Fuck! No. This was reality. This was her life.

A tear slipped from Angel’s eye. She needed to get the fuck out of this bed. She couldn’t stay in here a second longer.

But just as she moved to roll over, Poboy’s arm shot out and pinned her down. Like an iron hook he dragged her towards him. She gasped and struggled, but he was a strong man and his dogs weighed more than she did.

“Where you going, Angel?” he grumbled.

“I just wanted some water.” Her voice was calm.

“Get it in a minute.”

He dragged her underneath him. Her panic rose; she sensed what was about to happen.

“Poboy, get off me.”

“Fuck you mean? I want you here. You’re mine.”

“No…Come on. I’m thirsty.”

He began touching her breasts, squeezing them hard. “Shut the fuck up and let me take what’s mines.”

“No! Stop! Get off me!” He was so heavy; she couldn’t breathe. Fear became terror. “Poboy! Get off me! Get off me!”

“I said shut the fuck up!” he hissed, gripping her throat. “I know your little game, Angel. Let Shoney top me off, you free, huh? Well guess what? I paid for this pussy and if I want to take it right now, I can.” He slapped her pussy hard. “It’s mine,” he panted, his breath harsh from sleep. He stank of Hennesy and cocaine. People said cocaine didn’t have a smell, but it did, it did.

“No, no,” she begged.

He began tugging at his boxers. She felt his dick poking hard into her leg. Angel began to scream. Poboy couldn’t stay hard or something; he was trying to get his dick up and keep her still at the same time. Meanwhile she was fighting like an animal in a trap. Every now and then Poboy lost grip on her mouth and a scream escaped her. Outside, Poboy’s pitbulls howled in their crates. But they were always howling, trapped just like she was—


“The fuck?!” Poboy roared, letting go of Angel to rear back in the bed. Shoney sat up, too. “Wuzzgoinon?”
