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“Enough,” I say to him, then turn my attention toward the young man on the other side of me. “Yes, I am.”

He opens the bag he brought and produces a pair of latex gloves. Once he pulls them onto both of his hands, he pushes the bag out of the way.

“Can you tell me where all of your injuries are?”

“Sure.” I take a small moment of silence, not wanting to speak the words because speaking makes my body hurt worse even though I know I have to tell him.

Apparently, I take too long because Drago proceeds to speak for me.

“She was shot in the leg and she was—”

“Sir, with all due respect, I need to hear them from her.”

“Are you—”

“Drago,” I force out, cutting him off. He looks at me. “Please,” I stress. “Go find an officer. We need to get the Amber Alert issued now.”

His eyes soften, and his head pulls back as if he just remembered.


Luckily for me, he doesn’t argue. I’m a little surprised, but I’ll take it. Maybe he’s worried about Gabriel too.

God, I hope so.

Once he’s gone, I list off all of my injuries to the paramedic. His partner soon joins him and just as I’m wrapping up, Mike walks through the door once again followed by an irritated-looking Drago and two uniformed officers.

“What’s he talking about, about an Amber Alert?” Mike throws his thumb backward pointing at Drago.

“Sebastian Diaz took Gabriel. We need to alert the media immediately and have a warrant issued for his arrest.” Mike’s brows dip. “He’s the one that did this. That tried to kill me,” I clarify.

“You mean the baby that was left at the precinct, what three months ago? That Gabriel?”

“YES!” I see where he’s going, but I don’t care.

“Why on earth was he still in your care? Why was he here and not with child services?”

“Worry about that later.” I suck in a breath, only making it hurt worse, but I push through it. “A child was kidnapped, Mike. Get the fucking Amber Alert handled.”

He stares at me for several seconds—a few seconds too long—but finally disappears out of the door, slapping his palm on it for good measure.

Mike is a good man—a good cop. I know he’ll do what needs to be done to get the alert out and a warrant issued for the monster that took him. Sadly, the chances of us finding him are slim. Not unless Sebastian wants him to be found.

That leaves Drago...

I have to tell him what Diaz wants. Who he has, and so help me God, I pray he forgives me for not telling him before now.

“Detective, we need to get you down to the ambulance. Can you stand?”

Can I? I think so.

I was lucky. I wasn’t terribly injured. I’ll have to go to the hospital to confirm and to have my ribs x-rayed, but all-in-all, I’m in okay shape.


He stands first, Jeremy, the paramedic who’s been with me for the past ten or fifteen minutes. He offers his hand to help me up. I take it and I’m pulled gently to my feet.

Everything is fine until I take the first step in Drago’s direction. That’s when a crippling pain cuts through my middle section. I double over, intending to grab my stomach, but instead, I’m consumed by a pitch of darkness.
