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“What?” Drago’s question comes out as a whisper as if asking himself. It snaps me out of my internal realization of what I was just told. It’s then I finally take a breath, inhaling a gulp of air.

“I’m sorry.” My head shakes slowly from side to side, still unable to wrap my brain around it. “I what?”

“I take it you weren’t aware of your pregnancy then?” His eyebrows lift high on his forehead as if finding it hard to believe.

Well, I’m finding it hard to believe he thinks I was pregnant.

It’s now I realize where I’ve seen him before. He’s Jase Teller’s stand-by medical physician at MMA fights. I’ve been to a handful with Nikki and he’s always there. That knowledge seems irrelevant now.


“I’m not.” I can’t be. There’s no way. He definitely has the wrong patient—the wrong information.

“I assure you, Miss Andrews, you were pregnant. We did not do a D&C while you were unconscious, or while we removed the shrapnel from the bullet that grazed your leg. It’s a surgical procedure, that can be performed to prevent hemorrhaging and infection, but since you were only seven weeks along, it doesn’t have to be done. Your body can naturally abort it. However—”

Seven weeks...


What the fuck does he even mean by that? Didn’t he already say I’ve miscarried?

My heart suddenly stops, or that’s what it feels like. I feel it the moment it happens—I’ve lost the... Oh, God. I lost another baby.

The full force of everything that has happened today hits me like a sledgehammer to my head and a shot through my chest.

“Yes,” he continues in his clinical manner like this realization isn’t breaking my heart, isn’t shattering me into a million pieces. “A woman’s body, in most cases, will naturally expel the fetal tissue. What I was going to say is that some women elect to have the procedure anyway for emotional reasons, so they can go ahead and begin the healing process—both physically and mentally.”

I gasp for air again, not realizing I wasn’t breathing.

Gabriel is missing. I let a monster steal Drago’s son. And in an attempt to save one, I lost another I didn’t even know I had in my care.

I allowed one life to be kidnapped while another was murdered.


This can’t be real.

This can’t be happening.

My chest feels like the weight of an elephant is squatting down on me, with no chance of it moving off. I’m suffocating; that’s what this feels like.

“Bri!” Drago yells my name, the force of his voice washing over my frozen face.

“Calm down, Miss Andrews, please. You’ll only cause your body more harm.”

My injuries?

Who gives a fuck about my injuries? They are nothing compared to what I’ve lost today—what was taken from me.

“No... no... no...” I continue repeating the words over and over, shaking my head.

This isn’t happening. None of this can be real. It’s a nightmare, not my reality. I’m going to wake up and all of this will wash away. I’m going to wake up and Gabriel will be tucked safely in his crib, sleeping with his monkey.

He’s just in the other room.

Wake up dammit!

“Bri.” My name is called through clenched teeth. Drago’s hands tighten around the one he’s still holding, squeezing in an attempt to reach me. “Baby, please slow your breathing down.”
