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“I see,” is all I say, hoping my voice brings her out from whatever it is she is thinking about right now. And luckily it does. She glances up, forcing a smile.

“I want to handle the finance side of things. The things Rebecca handles today,” she says, bitterness in her tone.

“Is that distaste I detect?”

I don’t like that bitch either, but my guess, it’s for a completely different reason than Drago’s sister. Rebecca De Luca wants him, and that thought brings out a rage inside of me that I never knew existed until I met Drago Acerbi.

“Let’s just say, I don’t trust her. Therefore, by having a master’s in finance, I’ll trump her bachelor’s in business. Plus, I’m blood, and I know if I push my brother, he’ll eventually cave and let me come work for him.”

Does she only want to work for D to get Rebecca out?

I raise an eyebrow way too curious to let that go, and she must read the question on my face.

“I dislike her, but that’s not the sole reason I want her out. I really do want to work alongside my brothers. I love them. They are my whole world. Getting to work with both of them every day would be awesome and fun. Acting comes easy for me. It always has. I’ve been doing it since I was little. Yes, I love doing it, but I want something that will challenge me. I want a career doing something that isn’t easy.”

“Okay.” I laugh, sliding off the stool. “You’ve sold me. Excuse me, would you? I need to go to the bathroom.”

Making an exit, I head back down the hall with every intention of going to pee, but then I see the door to D’s office still open.

I hate arguing with him. So, even though I know I’m right and he’s in the wrong when it comes to acknowledging his son, I go back to his office to apologize. I can’t really fathom how hard all of this is. It’s hard to imagine what is going through his head.

I stop just before coming into view, hearing Drago’s deep voice.

“What are you saying?”

There’s silence.

“It isn’t possible, E. You know this.”

This is the second time I’ve heard him refer to a person on the phone as a letter of the alphabet. Who could he be speaking to? I know him well enough to know he only calls those he likes, people he’s close to, by the first letter of their name. So, who is this “E?”


There’s a loud banging sound as if he’s slammed his palm or something on his desk—or another hard surface area. I jump, but I don’t peek around the doorframe. I don’t want him to know I’m listening; well it’s more like eavesdropping.

I feel a bit sleazy, but he’s given me reason to doubt him and to not fully trust him anymore. I’m well aware of the fact that I’m not the only one who was keeping secrets in our relationship and I don’t think he’s a bad person.

But from the beginning, I’ve always felt there was something he wasn’t telling me, and that feeling hasn’t gone away.

What if it’s something that could lead me to the son he refuses to claim as his own?

What if by refusing to acknowledge Gabriel is his, Diaz does something Drago may later regret?

I can’t bring myself to think of all the ways that monster could harm my sweet boy. I just can’t. I can’t fathom detrimental damage being done to such innocence. And all because of D’s refusal to continue on with the business his father created.


Fucking drugs.

The sound of the doorbell ringing brings me out of my thoughts and not wanting to get caught listening in on Drago’s conversation, I push off the wall, walking back the way I came with the intent of going back upstairs to use that bathroom instead of the one down here.

* * *

I’m aboutto take the stairs when I hear Mona’s sweet voice filter in through the opening in the parlor room.

“Can I help you?”

“I want to see Brianna.” My father’s demand stops me from ascending the steps in front of me.
