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“I was mad at her when she got pregnant with you. I knew she was going to lose you too, but when she didn’t, I finally felt like I could breathe again. But then she wanted another, and I said no. I put my foot down and refused her, but she went behind my back and stopped taking her birth control.”

He shakes his head slowly from side to side, remembering what seems to be a dark time for him and my mother.

“I should have known she would, but I was busy. I let her worry about you kids, the house, the bills. I made the money, and she had free rein to spend it however she wanted so long as we were all taken care of.”

He stops, breathing in the fresh coastal air and pushing it out with a heavy sigh.

“I’m getting away from the point I’m trying to make. The last miscarriage consumed her, and I was too angry and hurt to take care of my wife like I should have. She died of a broken heart, but it was brought on by consuming too many pills. Pills she thought she was taking to control her depression. Only she wasn’t taking them as prescribed. She was abusing her medication, and I was never around to notice.”

“Dad,” I whisper, standing and going straight to him.

“I don’t want…” His voice cracks as he wraps his arms around me, hugging me to his front. “I won’t let what happened to her, happen to my baby girl.”

“It won’t.”

“I need you to face what happened, but do so the right way, sweetheart. I want you to talk about it and deal with your feelings.”

“I haven’t processed them yet.”

“Exactly. Which is why I want you to stay with me.”

“You’re going to have to compromise on this.”

I don’t have the luxury of time to deal with anything that isn’t helping to find Gabriel. Telling him that though, probably won’t do any good. Hell, telling that to anyone, especially D, doesn’t seem to be doing any better either.

“I don’t compromise on anything. Even you know that.”

“I have to find Gabriel.”

It is what it is. Why can’t anyone understand this? He’s an innocent life that got caught up in something that isn’t his doing.

“That boy isn’t your responsibility.”

“Yes, he is!” I step back, looking up so that my father sees my eyes. “He was in my care. He was taken from my home.”

“He shouldn’t—”

“Stop.” I hold up my hand, backing away even more. “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that one. I’m going to find him or at least ensure someone at the department finds him, whether you like it or not. This is not up for negotiation. In fact, this topic is done.”


“Connie sent me a message earlier. I can go back home when I’m ready. My condo was released.”

“You are coming home with me, goddammit.”

“She said no, Robert.” We both turn, seeing Drago standing in the doorway. “How many ways does she need to tell you the same thing?”

“Stay out of this, Acerbi.”

“This is my house, so that’s not going to happen.” His words are full of authority. It’s rare anyone takes that sort of tone with my father. Not even Jackson does.

“Dad,” I say, turning my body halfway between him and Drago. “We’re done. Thank you for telling me about Mom, and I did hear every word. But I’m still not leaving with you. And as far as Jackson is concerned, I’d rather my brother and his family not know about this. I don’t want to put them at risk because of my involvement.”

He looks down at me before sighing. Then he takes a step forward, placing his warm palms on my cheeks, his breath drifts across my face.

“You know, you are a lot like me too. When you have your mind set on something of absolute importance, you don’t compromise either.”

My eyes cut to the side, thinking. He’s right about that. I like things my way. Is that so wrong? In this case, I know it’s not.
