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Doesn’t mean I am fully sorry for my actions, though. But it does mean I can shut my mouth and take what he wants to throw at me.

“Look—” Eric starts.

“I’m not finished.” Summers lets out a long breath of air. “I turned in my report to Mike, the Deputy Chief, and the Chief of Police late yesterday evening. Your leave ends tomorrow, Andrews, and you can go back to full-duty work starting on Monday. You’re welcome.”

I wonder if that’s why Mike called me last night.

“And what did your report say?” I ask without my earlier attitude interjecting this time. I’m curious; too curious, so I want him to tell me. I wasn’t sure if he’d find real evidence that would suggest I wasn’t deep undercover like Eric made it sound and like that NDA stated.

Oh, shit. The document both Eric and I signed.

If he did find something that would not only put me but also Eric in a lot of hot water too. Maybe that’s why he’s allowing me to return to work without any ramifications.

He’s silent, staring at me. It’s Eric who speaks.

“Basically, that you were doing your job to the fullest extent. There was nothing he found that led him to believe you weren’t doing anything unethical or out of line. His recommendation was to reinstate you immediately. And luckily for you, the chief of police agreed.”

“And Ramirez?” I ask, directing my question at Summers.

“Is pissed and wants a meeting Monday morning.”

“Great.” I roll my eyes, fearing this isn’t over.

“Worry about him next week. Let’s discuss Diaz and Houston. I’m not missing my daughter’s t-ball game.” Summers flips his wrist, looking at his smartwatch. “I have to be out of here in the next hour if I’m going to make it.”

It’s then I notice the wedding ring on his ring finger. I hadn’t noticed before. It makes me glance down, scanning Eric’s finger.


Guess only one of them is married.

I can’t help that my mind briefly thinks of Drago.

He came to me yesterday. Maybe that’s something; maybe he still cares, but... then it makes me wonder how he knew I wasn’t okay. Could he have accessed my medical records or gotten someone at the clinic to tell him?

No. I dismiss that right away. I was fine when I left. It was when I got home that day that something happened. So how did he know?

“All right then. Let’s get to it,” Eric says, pivoting around in his chair to face his computer. “Andrews, grab a chair from that desk.”

He nods his head in the direction of the one to his right; the one I passed coming to stand at the opening of his cubicle.

Pushing off the metal railing, I grab the chair that’s pushed against the desk, noting the cubicle is bare like no one ever uses it. The chair arms aren’t worn like Eric’s, and the top of the desk is clean of any clutter. No pictures or personal items line the space to tell me this desk belongs to someone.

I don’t get a chance to ask though. Eric starts talking and hitting keys on his computer.

“We haven’t found anything on Houston’s phone, so I doubt we will.”

“I’d bet my career Houston is dirty,” Summers chimes. “Just because he’s a dirty cop doesn’t mean he’s a stupid-fuck, though. Men like Diaz don’t get away with the shit they do by bringing just anyone into their organization that can potentially take them down. Also, he’d be using a burner phone. We all know that, so there is no point in wasting any more valuable time listening to Houston’s calls. We need to go at this from a different angle. Who’s the weakest? Who do we focus on?”

Chasity’s face flashes in my mind.

“What about Gabriel’s mother? I’ve seen Chasity Carlisle and Houston together.”

I glide my chair over to the opening at Eric’s desk, taking a seat behind him.

“Yeah? You know that how, Detective?” Summers asks.

“I tailed them weeks ago. She’s the niece of the Deputy Chief of Staff to our mayor.”
