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I’ve wanted to go keto, but then I’d have to give up my signature Starbucks coffee, the Chinese food I love on occasion, and not to mention the fried cinnamon elephant ears I always get from one of the vendors when I spend a day out at Venice Beach. Not that I’ve gotten to do any of the things I used to enjoy since Gabriel appeared in my life. He really did turn everything upside down, but I still don’t think that was a bad thing. I could give anything up if it meant getting him back.

Needing a change of subject, I take a breath and then ask Justin another question. “So, I guess you and Eric work together often since you’re also part of the task force?”

“When I’m needed. I’m based downtown out of the headquarters office, which is where all of IA is located. But I’m sure you already know that.”

“It’s not a secret where your department is.”

“True, but I’m rarely at my office. Too many officer complaints. So between my IA cases and the task force, I barely have time to breathe.” He flips his wrist, looking down at his smartwatch. “I have forty-five minutes before I need to be at the Echo Park station for an interview.”

“So, order and eat fast then?” I laugh. “Oh, Eric said you would be able to take me back to the field office where my car is.”

“Fuck.” He shakes his head.

“My dad’s office isn’t far from here. Could you drop me there and I’ll get him to take me?”

“Sure.” He nods. “Something to learn about Alders. He can be a hard-ass at times, but generally, he knows what he’s doing even if his methods don’t always seem the obvious choice. But don’t ride with him. Always take your car, because he’s going to pawn you off on someone else.”

Justin takes a sip of his water.

“Noted,” I tell him.

“It’s not that he does it on purpose. But he’s always going from case to case. He can flip a hat better than any cop I’ve ever met.”

I take Justin’s recommendation and mirror what he’s ordering when the waiter brings me a glass of water.

“If this isn’t ideal for eating, why are we here?”

“The kid’s mother.” Justin brings the glass of water to his lips again, sipping. “She frequents here. Eric was hoping we’d spot her and you could try to get useful information out of her.”

“Why not bring her in for questioning?”

“Remember what I said the other day? This isn’t black and white, and we can’t play by the rules on this case. If Diaz or anyone connected to him gets wind that we’ve taken her in for questioning, it’ll likely end up with her dead. Even if she is involved, I don’t like getting people killed. I’m not overzealous in any way. If I take longer on something, it’s so that I don’t fuck up. And I don’t fuck up, Bri.”

“Neither do I,” I spit, taking offense.

“You sure about that?” He cocks his head and arches an eyebrow.

“I thought your case against me was behind us?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“It is, luckily for you, but don’t think for a second I won’t give you hell from here on out about it.” He smiles, lighting up his face. It makes my anger turn into annoyance. I don’t want to find him attractive, not even a little bit, but I have eyes, and he is.

We order our lunch, and surprisingly it doesn’t take long before it’s placed in front of us. For a packed restaurant, service seems spectacular so far. Although, I’m not looking forward to the check even if it will be expensed at a later date. I still have to make money last until I get paid next week.

“So, why IA?” My curiosity gets the better of me as I stir my fork around my salad.

Lifting his eyes, he sets his fork down and steeples his fingers together.

“You can’t serve and protect those you’re sworn to when your own house is littered with the same criminals we’re fighting against.”

“Fighting?” I question his use of the word.

“You don’t think we live in a world where it’s us versus them, do you?”

“Maybe,” I concede. Sometimes it feels like the world hates law enforcement, but other times I see the good and the gratitude from people we help.

I turn my head away, only meaning to briefly look elsewhere, but my eye catches sight of Drago sitting at a table on the other side of the restaurant. I can’t control the sharp intake of air I pull in, and I’m not quite sure if it was loud enough for Justin to have heard it. Seeing Rebecca De Luca perched next to him with her hand wrapped around the bend in his arm causes my stomach to plummet and my throat to close up.

I vaguely hear Justin call my name, but I can’t look away. Drago is having lunch with her and a man. He’s older, judging from the gray in his dark hair, but I can’t see his face. Could it be D’s father I wonder?
