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And. I. Will.

It may not be today or tomorrow, but soon he’s going to wish he’d never walked into my apartment.

“I’ll come alone,” I bite out.

“And you won’t say jack-shit to anybody about our deal, or when and where you’re going.”

“How are we going to make a trade if no one is there to take Drago’s son?” I ask, even though I know all of this could go very wrong if I don’t tell Eric. I need backup. It’s the only way I can ensure Gabriel is released and given to safe arms.

“I’ll arrange someone reliable to transport the boy to his father.”

“I don’t trust you.”

“You shouldn’t, but in this case, the boy isn’t what I want anymore.” A faux moan comes through the phone. “My desire to bend a certain cop to my every demand outweighs my use for the kid.”

“Just tell me where. I’ll come now.” I want this over with. I want Gabriel in safe hands, and if that can’t be mine, then Drago’s it is. It’s only right for him to be with his dad, not me.

“Not so fast, whore.”

I bite the inside of my cheek so that my anger at his word doesn’t cause me to ruin any chances of Gabe being rescued.

“I have to make sure you’ll keep your end of our deal. I’ll be in touch.”

The call ends before I’m able to press him further.

“Fuck!” I yell, releasing the pent-up frustration and hatred coursing through me.

Closing my eyes, I pull in as much air as my lungs can hold, attempting to gain control.

Just a little longer and Gabe will be safe.

I force myself to believe my thoughts. I have to, or else I’ll break, and that’s the last thing I can afford to do. Gabriel needs all of my strength right now, and that’s exactly what I’ll give him.


Isit on the floor of my bedroom only wearing a black bra and matching bikini panties. The sun from the sheer curtains beats down on my back, heating my skin, but it doesn’t penetrate past the surface. On the inside, I’m freezing cold—and empty.

It feels like I’m at war with everyone—Drago, my dad, Jackson, my department, Diaz, and myself.

Drago wants me, yet he really doesn’t.

I won’t be a ping-pong ball, bouncing to him when it’s convenient for him and then be tossed away when he’s done with me.

My dad is wrong.

Drago didn’t give me up to protect me. I’m capable of taking care of myself; I always have been. I can take whatever is thrown at me. If D wanted us together, we’d be together and fight through anything that comes at us. But that isn’t the case.

My father admires Drago now. A dry laugh bubbles from my lips as tears simultaneously drop, sliding down my cheeks and onto my thighs where the others have landed since I’ve been sitting here.

My dad despised Drago not that long ago, but now he thinks D did the right thing by walking away from me. Dad doesn’t want me to be a part of the Acerbi world or what even being friends with D would bring into my life.

What he doesn’t understand, or realize, is that I’m already a part of it. Even if Drago and I never come back together as one, I’m a part of his dangerous life.

I deal with the gangs and drugs daily, or at least I did. Now it seems my department is working against me to take that away. Even if I get to keep my job, Tom wants to transfer me.

If that happens, it’s unlikely I’ll land in the same or similar unit.

Maybe I do need to give this mock DEA interview process with Eric consideration. If I become a DEA agent, I’ll still be working to help rid our streets of drugs that kill too many kids every year. It’s why my role means so much to me.
