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Wonder where she gets that from—her mom. Alana loves live music. It’s never seemed to be about the bands, though. She enjoys the atmosphere. We used to go all the time when I was a junior in college, back before work became a higher priority for her and my brother. Back when they were more fun.

It’s not that she isn’t fun now; just a lot less relaxed—more uptight. And I’m not even sure she realizes it. Jackson, on the other hand, stopped being fun as soon as he opened his own business right out of college. Both Jackson and Alana are lawyers.

“Nothing next weekend... when I’m off?”

I sound bummed. I know I do, but I can’t help myself. I’ve been at every birthday the kids have ever had.

“Not unless you can talk your brother into coming down to LA. But you know he hates it here and won’t come.” She lightly laughs. My brother hates Los Angeles with a passion.

I turn my head to look at her.

“Where are you going to be then?”

Her eyes flash for the briefest of moments. If I weren’t staring right at her, I would’ve missed the look. Fear or dread. One of the two, I’m not sure which, though.

She quickly smiles to cover what I’m thinking was a slip-up.

“The city.” There is too much forced pep. Alana doesn’t do pep. “I have a lot to catch up on from all the kids’ extracurricular activities this year. I’m staying at the condo all weekend, so I won’t have to commute to the office. It’ll be easier.”

The way she says, easier, gives me the chills.

I want to ask her what’s going on, but I don’t know the right question to ask her. My family is a different story; I can’t read them as easily as I can strangers. Maybe I’m too close. Maybe deep down I don’t want to know. Once you know things, you can never forget them again.

An incoming text message kills my thoughts. And after retrieving my cell phone from my purse, I see my partner’s name light up the screen.


What’s this I hear about you taking a kid home Friday night?


Who told you?



So, what’s the deal?

Megan is the resident gossip queen around the station. Sometimes I think she still has a seventeen-year-old girl mentality even though she’s in her mid-thirties. She’s dispatch on the dayshift, so how she came about the information, only God knows.


Jeez. Shit carries quick.

Long story. I’ll tell you about it Tuesday.


Well, yeah. You know there isn’t shit that stays secret in that place long.

I can’t wait that long. Tell me now.


That’s less than three days from now.

