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I smile, keeping half of my face out of her line of sight by letting my dark hair cover the right side of my face.

“We both know you aren’t interested in the color of the week I’m getting.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

She’s managed to catch me off guard, and that doesn’t settle well with me.

“I’m not that naive. I know who you are, Detective. They’d never allow me to roam the city on my own if I didn’t know what you looked like, so I could dodge you should I see you.”

I see she hasn’t lost her condescending voice. Can’t say that I’ve missed it either.

“So then why are you sitting here next to me?”

Since she wants to cut to the chase, I see no point in holding back my interrogation. Time is of the essence. If I don’t find Gabriel soon, Drago may never see his son again.

“Because I’m tired of being played like some dumb little blonde that doesn’t know shit about shit.”

“Then tell me where I can find Sebastian Diaz, and I’ll get out of here and no one will know you’ve said a word to me.”

“You want him or Acerbi’s spawn?”

“Did you just refer to your son as a spawn?”

The instinct to punch her in the mouth is so natural I don’t even feel bad for the thought crossing my mind. I won’t do it. I can’t afford to. Not only could she press charges for assault. More importantly, she’s just let on that she may know where Gabriel is, and if that is the case, I have to remain calm—no matter how hard that is.

“Both,” I tell her.

“Which is worth more to you?”

“Miss Carlisle, I’m not here to play games with you. If you know where either or both are, please tell me. I promise to keep you out of it if it leads me to find either one of them.”

“Oh!” She laughs, finally cutting her eyes over to me. “You don’t actually think I’m scared of you, do you?”

“Frankly, I don’t care, but I’d be willing to bet everything I have that you’re scared of Diaz. Only someone dumb wouldn’t be, and since you’ve already professed that youaren’tdumb...”

“But,” she drawls out, “if you take him out, you’ll be solving both of our problems.”

“You don’t think there is someone waiting to take Diaz’s spot once he’s arrested?”

“You don’t arrest a man like Sebastian Diaz, Detective. You put as many rounds in him as you can and end the problem once and for all. Aren’t our prisons overly populated as is? You’d be doing our system a favor by killing Sebastian. Don’t you agree?”

“I agree with justice, so unless he does something to warrant being taken down with a bullet, that isn’t my plan.” The lie comes out smooth on my tongue. I don’t need anybody thinking I want to kill the man who’s stolen precious things from me.

An eye for an eye. That’s the way I see it.

“We both know he won’t go down without a fight. But I don’t know exactly where he is. He isn’t exactly known for broadcasting his whereabouts.”

I thought she wanted to cut the bullshit and tell me what she knows. But she’s toying with me, and it’s pissing me off.

“If you don’t know anything then you aren’t of use to me.”

The first coat of polish is applied to my toes, and it’s likely when she confirms she’s useless, I’ll be getting out of here even if the pedicurist is half done. Guilt already eats at me for being in a place like this, getting somewhat pampered when there is a life in danger somewhere out there.

“I never said I didn’t know anything. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to assume?”

“Then give me something I can use. Or would you rather me drag you down to the station? You know, Diaz would probably get wind of that before I had you in the back of my car.”

I’m not above scaring her if it gets me information.
