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“Whatever,” she says, growing bored. There isn’t an ounce of remorse other than the pregnancy she feels screwed up her life. “Good luck proving that. My uncle will squash you before that story sees the light of day.”

I have to get out of here before I lose it on her. I should arrest her for her admission, but it would be inadmissible.

In this case, it’s best that I can’t. Her arrest would get to Diaz quicker than I can get to him. And that’s not in Gabriel’s best interest. So, I summon every ounce of strength I have, slip on the sandals I wore in here, and bolt as fast as I can without drawing attention to myself. For all I know, Diaz, or even her uncle, could have her being tailed.

I call Eric as soon as I’m on the road heading toward Gabriel. I know this is it; my one chance to get him back safe and sound. I feel it from somewhere deep inside. I know he’ll be there and I won’t leave that place alive without him.

No matter what happens, I’ll do anything to ensure his safety. I wasn’t bluffing when I told Diaz that. I meant it then, and I mean it now.

“I know where Diaz is.”

“What?!” I shout, not taking my eyes off the road even though I want to look at my cell phone like it’ll show me Eric’s face. “How? So do I. I’m heading there now.”

“A source just tipped me off. I’m en route too. Where are you?”

“Leaving The Cove. I’m maybe fifteen minutes from there.”

“Fuck!” A horn blows, telling me Eric took out his frustration on his steering wheel. “I’m thirty minutes out. You’ll beat me there. Wait, Bri. I need you to wait for me. You need backup. I can’t allow you to go in there alone.”

“Eric, you can’t ask me to do that. Gabriel is there. I have to get to him before Diaz finds out I know. Chasity could tell him or anyone connected to him about our conversation. He’ll disappear and so will Gabe.”

“Don’t you fucking disobey an order, Andrews. I’m telling you to wait for me, and you’ll wait.”

“You better drive fast.”

I hang up, not waiting for his outburst that was sure to follow.

I don’t know how I lucked out. Maybe it’s God or some other powers that be, but traffic is almost nonexistent, and that’s unheard of in Los Angeles. I get to the shipping port within ten minutes of squealing my tires out of the hotel parking lot.

I silence my phone before lifting my ass to shove it down into my back pocket. Then I reach behind the passenger seat, grabbing my thigh holster with the Kimber 1911 secured along with the two extra magazines. My .380 is already strapped to my chest, the holster secured to the middle of my bra. Getting out of my car, I shove the spare magazines into the opposite back pocket that my phone is in.

I have no idea what I’m walking into. It’s better to be over-prepared than run out of ammo and get myself killed.


Unlike Drago’s shipping warehouse that only has one other business on the same stretch as his, Port 124 is surrounded by five other companies with three on the entrance side and two past Nelson Imports.

Like most businesses here, there is at least one building with bay doors on the front for loading and bay doors on the back for unloading the ships. Bigger companies are spaced out with freight containers. The ones on this stretch, same as Drago’s, are smaller with only minimal space. Although there are freight containers, they are all small, creating limited spots to hide. Luckily for me, the business next to Nelson’s is bustling today. Hopefully, I can use that to my advantage and go unnoticed while I sneak between the two buildings around the back.

Once I’ve rounded the back, there is one bay door. It’s rolled all the way open, only I don’t see any workers—or hear any noise. It’s odd, even for lunchtime, as most go in shifts so there are always a handful of workers ready to load and unload. That’s the first flag that I’m in the right place and this isn’t a legit business. Maybe Chasity’s information was accurate. I hope so.

Not wanting to risk getting caught, I don’t take any chances by walking inside without a plan. I sneak a peek around the corner inside the large warehouse still seeing no one or hearing anything. There are stacked pallets all over the place. Not wanting to hang around outside and get noticed on camera, I duck in and position myself behind a tall pallet of merchandise.

I wait two minutes, making sure there aren’t any noises, but then my heart jumps into my throat and I suck in a breath.


It has to be him. The sound of a baby crying both thrills me and punches me in the gut at the same time. The what-ifs start flooding my head again—and now isn’t the time for them.

I look up, seeing a similar office like Drago’s on the second level. And now that I’m taking in the interior more, I realize it’s the exact same setup as Acerbi Imports. This could be a good sign. Knowing the layout will help me navigate, but that thought goes to shit when I feel the distinct round metal barrel jab into the back of my skull.

A gun.

Someone has a gun aimed at me—at my head. A normal person would probably shit themselves at this point. I remain calm, straightening my spine. Nothing good ever comes of getting scared.

“You’re right on time, cop.” Diaz’s thick accent assaults my left ear, sickening my stomach when his breath hits my ear. “Hands up. You’re a cop, so you should know this drill already.”

I raise them slowly, holding them parallel to my head.
