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For a split second, my heart soars—only to come crashing down to the ground when he diverts his stare. He goes so far out of his way not to look at me that he turns, walking around the last pew to the other side of the wall before finding a seat in the first row.

Does he not even want to be near me?

I shouldn’t be surprised.

He hasn’t accepted any of my calls, and not wanting to make a fool of myself, I haven’t shown up at his work or house to confront him, even though that’s exactly what I’ve wanted to do since he walked away from us. I want answers. I deserve them.

“Docket number 20045,” the judge reads from the piece of paper he’s holding before looking up. “The custody of Gabriel Acerbi is to be determined. Are all parties here?”

A man seated next to Drago rises, buttoning his suit jacket.

“Everyone is here, your honor.”

His head twists, eyeing me as if to ensure I’m still here. I’m guessing he’s Drago’s attorney. I did catch him looking at me a couple of times before D showed up, but I hadn’t thought anything of it. It’s not like I’m foreign to this court. I’ve been in this room plenty of times previous to today when I had to testify against the defense.

“From my understanding, the child’s mother is out on bail pending trial for accessory to kidnapping?” The judge looks to the lady sitting at a table off to the side.

I recognize her but hadn’t noticed her sitting there before. She must have slipped in the side door when I was watching Drago enter. She works for Judy Hearn; one of her caseworkers and must be the one assigned to Gabe.

“That’s correct, your honor.”

“And the child’s father?” The judge looks directly at D or his attorney.

“He’s here. My client wishes to waive all rights to the child.”

I gasp, not actually expecting that declaration.


He can’t.

He wouldn’t.

Would he?

“Mr. Acerbi,” the judge says. “Please rise and tell me why it is that you do not want to take responsibility for a child you helped create. Explain that to me,” he orders.

The judge crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back into his seat as he waits.

Drago stands, but there are several beats before he starts to speak.

“Your honor,” he addresses the judge. “I’m sure you know who I got my last name from.”

My eyes cut back to the judge who remains expressionless. He’s not denying or confirming. He’s probably questioning how that is relevant, same as I’m doing.

“One could say bearing the same last name as me, could very well put him in more danger than he was when he was kidnapped. I don’t think it’s in his best interest to come home with me.”

“Have you thought this over fully, Mr. Acerbi?”

“Yes, your honor, I have.”

“Do you want to think it over some more?” the judge asks, giving Drago another chance to take his request back.

Take it back, D, I will him, my eyes boring into the back of his head. Take it the fuck back!

It was a mistake, even the judge knows that, so why is he remaining silent? Take it back, dammit.

“No, your honor.” Drago’s words come out harsh and I know he said them through clenched teeth.
