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We need to talk.


I don’t talk to inebriated stupid fucks. Sorry, bro.

My best friend is the only person that could get away with calling me a stupid fuck and not land on his ass because of it. In this case, he’s mostly right. I’m sober, but I was stupid when it came to walking away from Bri and my son. Regardless of how sure I was standing in that courtroom earlier today, I know now it would have never lasted. Not even the devil himself could keep me away from them.

After Eric found Gabriel crying in that warehouse office the day I shot that dirty cop and then chased down that piece of shit Diaz, my mind was made up. At that point, there was nothing E could say to change my decision of giving up my parental rights to Gabe and handing him over to Bri, walking away from both of them. In my head, I didn’t see any other way to keep them safe and unscathed from my family’s baggage.

When Bri showed up with Gabriel a couple of hours ago, all of my reasons and what I thought was best for them went to shit and doubt crept in. Suddenly, everything I thought I never wanted—a future with a wife and kids—was standing in front of me. All I had to do was reach out and take it. So, I did. I took back what was already mine.

That’s not to say I won’t have hell to pay, because if I know Bri, she’s not going to make earning her trust back easy.


Be here in the morning. Bring that douchebag with you.

Shutting off my phone, I place it face down on the nightstand and then crawl back under the covers, scooting as close to them as I can get without disturbing them from their peaceful slumber.

I’ll worry about my next move with my father and how I’m going to get him back in the States tomorrow. I’m too fucking tired of thinking and dwelling on how I’m going to end his reign.

It seems impossible, but whatever it takes, it has to be done.

Vincent Acerbi’s time on earth is coming to an end one way or another.

A life, for life.

He took from us what wasn’t his to take, and for that, he will pay.

That I promise, Bri.



Forgiveness isn’t something that can be handed over at the drop of every,I’m sorry,orI fucked up.

True forgiveness takes time. Every brick has to be carefully crafted and laid in just the right place with no imperfections—no lies can remain. Everything must be out in the open, bared for all to see.

I love Drago. There is no denying the truth in that, and I believed him when he told me he loves me. But he would be a fool if he thinks he doesn’t have to earn my trust; the same as I have to earn his.

We both kept secrets for the greater good—or so we thought.

Our weaknesses can only harm us if we’re scared of the unknown; the future. We have the power to either let what we love—who we love—hold us back or push through together as a united front.

I won’t be the woman who accepts whatever her man deems she gets. If he wants me,us—all of us together, then it’ll be on an equal playing field in all things.

I’d rather walk away in the end than be stuck in a relationship not founded on honesty, respect, and equality. We can reign together, stronger, or we can go our separate ways. Regardless, we’ll both survive. We may be unhappy, perhaps even miserable, but I choose to power through with or without him.

I never let my father or my brother dictate my life or make decisions for me. Lord knows they sure as hell tried, so why would I allow the man I love, the father of my children, to try and run my life as he deems fit?

I want a partner, not a dictator.

“Mmm.” The delicious moan on my tongue breaks through my lips, escaping my mouth in a long, drawn-out sigh.

Drago’s strong fingers wrap around my inner thighs. Tightening his grip, he presses my legs farther apart. His lips descend softly, peppering kisses along the smooth skin at the apex of my thigh. The smacking sound is music to my sleepy ears as he makes a meal out of me.

A woman could get used to being woken up this way.
