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“So, how do I know you? I do know you, right? I never forget a face.”

“Yeah, Caprice. We’ve met a time or two.”

“Must not be many if you’re being so formal.” She holds out her hand, being bolder than her usually shy, introverted self. “CC.”

“Eric Alders.” He takes her palm, lighting shaking her hand.

“You and D were friends in school, right? I haven’t seen you in ages.”

Just like CC, she doesn’t give him time to answer before her attention moves on. Slipping her hand out of Eric’s, she looks at where Justin is standing a few feet behind E with his arms crossed, feet apart. Everything about him gives him away that he’s a cop. Not that he cares. He’s not the one undercover.

The shy, reserved person my sister is in front of people she doesn’t know returns as her eyes remain locked with Summers. When she doesn’t say anything, I’m about to introduce them when he opens his mouth, uncrossing his arms and steps forward.

“Justin.” He stretches his hand out, the same as Eric did moments ago. “Not a friend of D’s.”

She smiles awkwardly, taking his hand.

Turning her head, she looks at me from over her shoulder.

“Oh, he’s serious,” I nod in agreement. “We aren’t friends.”

I don’t have anything against Justin. He’s a good cop from everything I know and have heard. He’s just a dick. Or at least to me he always has been. He wasn’t happy when he learned my real identity.

I think he still believes there is a chance that I’m only a DEA agent to keep my father from getting caught and that when push comes to shove, I’ll side with family. That I’ll side with my father.

If he does, he’s right in a sense. I will always side with family. But that doesn’t include Vincent Acerbi anymore. And never will again. The man might as well be dead to me. He’s no father. Not in the sense that I want to be one day for my son and the boy or girl Bri is carrying in her belly.

“Why do you two dislike each other anyway?” Bri’s voice comes from behind me.

Turning, I see her coming down the stairs without Gabriel. For a second, I’m disappointed he isn’t in her arms, but I’m at a loss as to why. Minutes ago, I was relieved she took him away.

“Why don’t you tell me why my brother has a baby? And not even a new one judging by the one you toted upstairs a few minutes ago.” Caprice places her hands on her hips. “He isn’t telling me anything.”

Bri pauses at the bottom of the stairs, looking between my sister and me.

Letting out a sigh, I drop my arms, stepping forward. Raising my arm, I gesture for my sister to finish her trek toward the kitchen and out of earshot of my niece.

“Fine, nosey. Let’s get you some coffee, and I’ll tell you all the dirty little details you’re itching to know.”



I’m blown away by the details Drago keeps leaving out. I don’t understand why he feels it’s necessary to not tell Luca and Caprice everything—at least the basic truths. I understand from the standpoint of their safety. But at the same time, the more a person knows, the better they are prepared.

From the locked jaw on Luca’s face, I’m guessing he agrees with me.

He mentioned CC was his best friend, which I hadn’t known beforehand, so the fact that D didn’t tell her Gabriel’s conception wasn’t consensual most likely puts him in a hard spot having to keep a secret from his sister, too.

“So... let me get this straight.” Caprice sets her empty coffee mug on the dining room table, pushing it away from her. “Gabriel’s mother, whom you don’t remember sleeping with, just decided she no longer wants him and dumped him on your doorstep?” Her nose scrunches.

“More or less.” Drago shrugs his shoulders, not looking at his sister. Pushing his chair back from the table, he stands.

The legs of the chair scrape against the floor as Luca stands abruptly.

“Hey!” Caprice calls. “Where are you going?”

“To watch cartoons with my kid.” Before he takes a step, he looks Drago in the eyes. “And maybe I’ll call my own baby momma, because right now her problems have nothing on this shit.”
