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“Not really.” And I don’t. I don’t give Justin Summers too much thought at all. I’ve been wrapped up in finding anything on my father for so long that I’m surprised I’m even able to function sometimes.

Gabriel’s cry pierces the baby monitor again, the device making a static noise at the volume of his voice.

“I need to go get him. We’re done here anyway as long as we’re clear on my sister.”

“Crystal,” he adds, his tone laced with sarcasm.

I don’t bother walking him out. He’s grown, I’m sure he can manage just fine. What I’m not sure of is the little person upstairs that needs me.

Don’t fuck this shit up, Drago.



It’s late when I get back to Drago’s house, almost evening time. After I saw Jackson and Alana off, I couldn’t shake the weird vibe I got from them. I didn’t want to bring my sudden bad mood home to D, so I dropped by my condo. I needed to go over there anyway.

I’m out of clean clothes, and now that I’m going back to work tomorrow, thanks to Eric promptly coming through for me, I definitely need something a bit more professional than jeans and a fitted T-shirt. E called me an hour ago, letting me know he personally emailed the document Tom requested to him, which means I’m on the path of getting back to the normalcy I need.

I’m not sure what reaction I’m going to get from Drago when I tell him I’m returning to work tomorrow and tonight is the last night Gabriel and I will be sleeping at his house. It’s back home for me. I just hope he understands we both need our independence in order to strengthen our relationship and give us a real shot together. With Gabriel, and now the new baby coming, we need to give us everything we’ve got.

Walking inside, I set my purse down on one of the kitchen counters. There is steam coming from a large pot on the stove that smells incredible, making my mouth instantly water. I just now remember I haven’t stopped to eat today.

My eyes pull up. Drago pads into the kitchen barefoot, looking freshly showered, with a towel hanging over his shoulders and wearing only a pair of jeans.

“I thought I heard you,” he greets me. Walking up, he stops directly in front of me and pulls me to his steaming hot chest, his palm pressing into my back as he dips his head, kissing me on the lips. Unavoidably, I melt against his body, savoring his lips. I’ve come to realize over the last couple of days just how much I’ve been starving for his touch. I can’t get enough, and Drago has been more affectionate than ever before.

“A girl could get used to that, Acerbi.” My lips tip up at the broad smile spreading across his face.

“You were gone a long while.” He raises an eyebrow, looking down at me.

“There’s something I should tell you,” I admit, suddenly feeling a small pang of guilt for not only being gone for ten hours but also for what I’m about to tell him. I don’t know how he’s going to react. He lost his shit when I got shot and then so much went wrong from that point on. Drago is extremely protective, and I love that attribute, but I need my career, and in my line of work, safety isn’t always afforded.

“First, I have something to tell you too.”

Before I’m able to ask, I hear my name. “Bri!” I look around Drago’s large frame, seeing Mona walking into the kitchen, Gabe squeezed to her chest. “I’m so happy that you and my boy are back together,” she says, the happiness shining through her motherly eyes.

I shouldn’t be surprised she’s here. She’s Drago’s housekeeper after all, but I haven’t seen her since that first day I met her back in September—four months ago.

“Yeah, me too,” I agree. Rounding D, I take a step, streaking my arms out, wanting my baby.My baby.Is that even real? Am I allowed to call him mine?

She places him gently in my hands, but the transfer stirs his eyes, and he blinks to open them, looking at me. I swear there is a sudden change in him, but that could be my mind wanting him to react to my presence. His little fingers latch onto the hem of my shirt, tugging the cotton material down slightly. I’m not bothered.

“I can’t believe my boy has a boy, a baby.” Her eyes cut over my head, looking at D, a proud grin on her lips. “I think my head is going to be spinning on that one for a while.” She steps around me, stepping up to the stove and lifts the lid off whatever it is she’s cooking that smells divine.

I’ve known about Gabriel for months, and even now, if I really give all of it thought, my mind goes into a tailspin. I wonder if he told her everything. On one hand, what was done to D is unfathomable. It’s an injustice that someone needs to pay for. On the other, what happened played a part in bringing us together, and my love for his son goes far beyond anything I ever imagined. Because of that, I can’t wish that he was never born.

“Yeah,” Drago breathes out, his brows furrowing together as his gaze snaps down, eyeing Gabriel. There is a war going on in his head and we’ve yet to discuss it.

“What are you cooking, Mona?” I ask, changing the subject.

She doesn’t get a chance to answer. “Mona is going to watch him during the day while we’re both at work,” Drago informs me.

“Is that what you had to tell me?” He nods. “So,” I cock my head. “There’s no need for me to tell you that I’m going back to PD tomorrow?” He shrugs, telling me without words that he already knew.Fucking Eric!Is there anything those two keep from each other?

Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to Mona. “Are you sure it’s not any trouble asking you to keep him?” Other than my irritation of not getting to tell Drago myself, I can’t be upset. It hadn’t even crossed my mind once in regard to what I was going to do with Gabe. It’s not like I can take him to work, and I don’t have the luxury of friends or family that could care for him. Apparently, D does, and what a blessing that is.

She looks over her shoulder. “Honey, if it were any trouble I wouldn’t have offered.”
