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He glances to my left, speaking to my dad. My father is only two years senior to Vincent, so hearing him address him so formally doesn’t feel right. It almost sounds condescending.

My dad shrugs. “Wine is one of those things that Brianna has to be in the mood to enjoy.”

His backing me up, supporting me, is shocking. I never would have expected those words to fall from his lips. My father’s philosophy on good wine, especially expensive vintages, is that you do not waste it.

Flipping his gaze on D, he says, “I want to see this grandson of mine,” he demands, making my body freeze up. I don’t realize I’ve become a statue until my dad squeezes my knee in a reassuring gesture.

“Yeah,” Drago says as he shakes his head. “I’m not listening to that kid cry from being awake. Some other time,” he says.

Jeez. If I didn’t know any better, I’d believe Drago meant those words. He’s good at this, I have to give him that. But I guess being Vincent Acerbi’s son, he’s had years of practice to perfect the talent.

If only his sister could.

Luca left before dinner, disappearing without a word to anyone, and I wonder if he went back to London’s.

“Then I guess we’ll call it a night.” The chair Vincent is seated in slides backward, then he stands, immediately buttoning his suit jacket. “Thank you for accommodating me, son.”

“Maybe next time you’ll give me the respect of providing me with a heads up that you’re planning to come over.” Drago’s rude remark doesn’t go unnoticed by his father, who simply raises an eyebrow at him in reply.



After Vincent decided to leave, I quickly kissed my dad goodnight, leaving him to walk himself out and snuck off upstairs to Drago’s bedroom. I changed into one of his T-shirts and boxer briefs as I’m out of clean clothes.

Mona has been great this week, but I couldn’t leave my things for her to pick up after and I certainly wasn’t going to be a rude house guest and expect her to do my laundry. No way.

I’ve resigned that I’m not going home tonight even though I know I really need to before I wear out my welcome here.

Blowing out a breath, I pad barefoot out of the master bathroom, teeth brushed and face freshly cleaned from today’s makeup. I’m too tired to even shower. I shouldn’t crawl into bed knowing I’m filthy, but at the moment that’s the least of my worries.

Sliding my chin on the mattress, I let the cool sheets momentarily take away the last hour and a half of the leery feeling running through me because of Vincent’s presence.

The reprieve is short-lived when my thoughts move on to thinking about tomorrow; both wishing for it to hurry up and be over and for it to never come.

I don’t know why I feel the latter. It’s Chasity Carlisle’s hearing for her involvement in Gabriel’s kidnapping and for being there when Diaz was holding me against my will and not calling the authorities.

I’ve known since before I picked Gabriel up from Children’s Protective Services that this day was coming. I want her to get what she has coming. My problem is I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself in the courtroom when I lay eyes on her. I want to see her shredded, and I want to be the one that does the shredding.

Movement in the doorway pulls my eyes over, seeing Drago with his arms raised above his head, his hands braced against the doorframe, watching me.

“Is he gone?” I ask.

“His driver pulled away ten minutes ago.” Drago tips his head to the left. “I was checking on CC, making sure she was okay.”

“And is she?”

“Says she is.” He drops his arms, steps inside the room with me and closes the door behind him. “Are you? You seemed...” He pauses, thinking.

“Standoffish?” I finish for him.

“I was going to say, reserved.”

“I just thought it was best if I said as little as possible to that man.”

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he admits, and I’m instantly on alert.

My eyebrows turn inward, scrutinizing him and hoping he hasn’t been keeping something else from me. I’m already on edge, worried we won’t get past the secrets we’ve both kept from each other. I don’t know if my mind can handle finding out anything more.
