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“Oh my fucking God,” she wails as soon as the door is closed.

“What?” I lift my hand, palm facing up.

“I’ve never been plowed like that in my life. Why did you have to ruin the best sex I’ve ever had, you bitch?”

Lucky for her, there is humor in her tone. I don’t take lightly to being referred to as the ‘B’ word. To me, it’s similar to how some people hate the word cunt. I loathe the ‘B’ word.

“Well, from the view I got of his Johnson going in and out of you—thanks for that, by the way, I’ll never get that image out of my head—I’d say he’s sporting a plus-size cock.”

“It’s huge. He’s hung like a goddamned horse, dude.” Her words make her seem put out by it, but the satisfied grin on her face tells me otherwise.

“Are you going to explain how and when you hooked up with E?”

“You think I could put some clothes on first?”

“By all means.” I shrug. “But you can talk and do that at the same time.” I eye the material pooled on the floor of her discarded clothes. Looks to be thin material and not her everyday work attire.Yeah, I’m pretty sure she definitely hasn’t been to the office yet.

“Bitch, I’m on call all this week. Don’t look at me like I’ve been slacking.”

Oh, that’s right. She switched weeks with another detective because his kids had the flu.

“I forgot,” I admit, as she pulls on her panties and then a long, thin T-shirt over her head and down her torso.

I’d ask her why she isn’t asleep since I know she was at the precinct all night, until around seven this morning, but unlike most people, Connie and sleep don’t really get along. She gets maybe a couple of hours in a day, but that’s all. She doesn’t like speaking about her past, but I know something happened long ago that drove her to become the cop she is today, and that something also has to do with the lack of sleep she gets.

She pads over to her couch, scooping the remote control off the coffee table before plopping down on the oversized cream-colored couch.

“After your miscarriage, when you were hanging out with him more so than anyone, I started bugging him about how you were doing. I missed my partner, and a part of me was a little mad at you for getting involved with Drago, resulting in you almost getting fired. So, instead of calling or texting you, I contacted him.”

So, she did have a conversation with him before jumping in the sack. That makes me feel better about them. It’s not really any of my business who either of them sleeps with, but I want Connie to find a man in her life who sticks around longer than an episode of The Big Bang Theory. Eric is a good man, and I could see them together. Of course, she isn’t known for her relationship skills, so I hope E is ready when she runs because it’s going to happen sooner or later.

“Are you still mad at me?”

“No.” She shakes her head. Pointing the remote at the TV, she turns it on. “I have you back, so all is well and as it should be again. Besides, Special Agent Alders has convinced me that your man is good for you.”

“Is that right?” I laugh, shaking my head.

“Yeah. He thinks you two are perfect.” She scrunches up her nose.

“No one is perfect. Not D, not me, and not us together. Anyone who thinks that about any relationship is setting themselves up for disappointment. We work through things, though, and I love him.”

“How did you know you love him?” Her eyes snap to mine, and there is a curiosity in her pale-blue eyes that I’ve never seen before.

I step around the coffee table, about to sit when I remember where I’ve come from and decide against it. Sure, I know I’m not actually dirty. I don’t have any blood on me or on my clothes. But I still don’t want to sit until I’ve cleaned up.

“It’s in the way he wants to protect those he cares about. Sure, he can go about it the wrong way sometimes, but he has this drive to do whatever it takes to make sure everyone is safe. You should see him with Gabe.” I chuckle. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. He’s so unsure about himself where his son is concerned, but yet he’s trying with everything in himself despite having to be guarded because of his father’s presence.”

She nods. “Eric mentioned the devil was in town. Is he really as bad as they say?”

“You didn’t see him in court the other day?” She shakes her head. “He was seated behind Gabriel’s mom—” She holds up her hand like a stop sign, pausing my words.

“Could you not refer to that bitch as his mother.” She shakes her head this time. “She’s not. You are. So, the devil...”

“It’s not so much what I’ve seen him do because really, I haven’t seen him do anything wrong. It’s his eyes and the underlying message when he speaks. He’s evil, but I’m not even sure E knows exactly how evil he really is. I don’t think any of us do except maybe Drago.” And that saddens me. I want him to tell me the things he’s seen, but I don’t want him to face anything he isn’t ready to yet.

“I came by because I need a quick shower and some clean clothes. Do you mind if I do that here?”

“Not at all.” She cocks her head, knowing me. “What were you called to today?” she asks.
