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“You know what happens when someone disobeys me.” I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure. "Fall in line, Drago, or like everyone else, you will pay the consequences. Maybe not today.Perhaps not even tomorrow. But thetime will come when you'll be on yourknees begging me to have mercy if you aren't careful." He steps away from me. "You'd be smart to make sure thatday never comes...”

I can’t tell my mom about this. It would kill her. She’s already scared of my father, hatred weaved into the fear. I see the way she tries with every beat of her heart to hide it. But it’s there, and it shines through her sapphire eyes. He knows it too. How could he not?

If she isn't careful, if I'm not careful just as he warned, he'll end us all just as easily as he ended the three lives in this dirty Mexican warehouse today.

But I'm not like him. I feel remorse and sorrow and guilt for what I witnessed, for what I took part in today. I can't be like him. It's not in me.

So, what am I going to do?

What can I do? I’m still a teenager for Christ’s sake.

* * *

The soundof a phone buzzing rips me out of the memory that still plagues me to this day. I’ll never shake it. That much is obvious. But I swore that day that I’d never become the monster my father is.

But what if my hand is forced again?Only this time it’ll be my decision, not his. I pray it doesn’t come to that. Not because I’m not man enough to pull a trigger aimed at him. Not even because he’d deserve it. It’s because I’m not so sure I can live with another death on my conscience.

But when push comes to shove, I will do whatever I have to do to protect my family.

I pick up my phone from where it lays on my desk, eyeing the message on the locked screen.

Unknown Number

It’s time for you to make the decision you’ve been dreading your entire life. You have half an hour to get here. I hope you know the only acceptable answer that better come out of your mouth—or they all die.

I open the message, seeing an address come through.

My father. I know this message is from him.

My first thought is of Gabriel, but he saidthey.He has more than just my son.

Everyone that means anything to me flashes before my eyes: Bri, the boy, Luca, Caprice, Mia, Mona, Eric, even fucking Summers for whatever reason I don’t understand.

The door to my home office flies open. “Hey.” Luca starts to enter, toting Mia on his hip but halts as he takes in whatever is written on my face. “What now?”

He has that look, waiting for me to relay what’s happened. I order him to do the only thing I can think of as I pocket my phone. “Take Mia, go get London, and get out of the city. Don’t tell anyone where. Don’t even tell London where you’re going, but make sure she comes with you. Don’t let her take her cell, and do not and I repeat, Luca, do not answer any calls that aren’t from me.”

“What’s going on?” he demands.

“I don’t know yet.” I scoop my keys off the desk, shoving them into my pocket, and then grab the burner phone I keep that E and I often communicate through as well as the Glock I have mounted under my desk, keeping it in my hands. “But I need you to go. That’s three fewer people I have to worry about.”

“Maybe I can help. I can drop Mia off at Mona’s and whatever you need, I’m with you.”

I shake my head. “You need to worry about your family and that’s all you need to focus on.”

“Caprice.” He says our sister’s name, worry etching in his eyes as they cloud with emotion.

“I got CC.” I grab the back of his neck, squeezing, and place a soft kiss on Mia’s cheek, my eyes never leaving my brother’s. “I swear it. Go!” I order.

Luca doesn’t hesitate. He turns, racing out of the house. I follow, unsure as to what I’ll find when I get to my destination.I got them all.One way or another, I’ll save whoever he has—even if that means giving him what he wants.




My head is pounding like nothing I’ve ever felt before. When I woke up in the hospital a couple of months ago, my head didn’t hurt this bad. Of course, I was medicated, and I had just been shot. Oh, God! Did I get shot again? I’ve had enough of hospitals to last a while.
