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“He’s dead.” His voice is flat, devoid of emotion, but then he falls back on his haunches, his body deflating as air exits. “It should have been me,” he repeats, and I’m shaking my head even though he can’t see me.

No. No, it most certainly should not have been him. I know Drago would have done it given the chance. But I’m pretty damn certain he wouldn’t have been able to handle that on his conscience. I’m glad it wasn’t Drago who pulled the trigger. Maybe I killed him, or perhaps it was Tom. I don’t really care. I’m just happy Vincent’s sick, evil presence is no more. He can never hurt Drago, or his sister, or any of us ever again.

“Bri.” I turn to see Connie jogging toward me.

We all made it out of this nightmare alive, and for that I’m grateful. I breathe another sigh of relief.

* * *

We got home an hour ago.The only time I allowed Gabriel to leave the safety of my arms was when the paramedics were examining me. They suggested I let them take me to the ER to get checked out even though they thought I was fine. Drago thought the same, but my gut told me I was fine, just sore, and will be sore for a time.

The gash at the base of my head wasn’t as bad as it felt. The paramedics patched me up, and I’ll make a doctor’s appointment first thing tomorrow. I’ll see if the clinic can get me in this week to check to make sure everything is okay physically. Mentally, I think we all need time to heal those wounds.

Eric, Justin, and Mike all lowered from the roof down into the warehouse. Vincent wasn’t as smart as I originally took him for. He only had two men watching the exterior of the building. The guys easily took them down but didn’t want to enter through the only entrance other than the bay doors—the same one Tom later came through.

They wanted to enter with surprise on their side. I’d say they achieved it.

Apparently, D contacted Eric after his father sent him a message about where to meet up. It doesn’t really make sense how his father wouldn’t have expected him not to bring backup. But then I don’t pretend to understand the minds of bad people. It’s my job to lock them up, bring them to justice, not to understand them. I don’t think it’s possible to understand the deranged.

“Stop looking at him like you want to beat his ass.”

“Oh, he’s getting his ass handed to him. That’s going to happen,” Drago promises, and I sigh.


“She’s my sister, Bri.” His arms wrap around Gabriel and me tighter from where I’m leaning against his chest as he remains seated on the stool at the entrance to his kitchen.

“She’s a grown woman,” I counter, and he grits his teeth, his eyes going back over to where Caprice hasn’t moved from Justin’s arms. Her body has grown still. She isn’t crying anymore, but Summers hasn’t released her, and she doesn’t look like she plans on moving anytime soon.

I can’t blame her. Not really. After it was over, all I wanted was Gabriel in my arms and Drago’s wrapped around us both. I still do. It’s where I feel the safest and when my body is the calmest. It’s where I feel—home. It’s why I haven’t moved from this spot, not even to allow D to call his brother. He had to do it from where we are now.

“If he’s where she needs to be, then you need to keep your mouth shut. At least for now.” I know he’s going to say something eventually. It’s evident on both Justin and Caprice’s faces that there’s something going on between them. At this point, though, I don’t care. If that’s what she wants, then she should get her happily ever after, no matter who it’s with.

We both look down to the counter when a text message comes in on D’s phone, Luca’s name showing on the screen.

Releasing one hand from around me, he grabs it, holding it out in front of both of us so I can read the message.


En route. Be there in half an hour.

He places the phone back on the counter without replying, and I see the tremor in his hand. He’s had uncontrollable shakes since before we left the warehouse. The only time his body isn’t shuddering is when both of his hands are on me. I like that I’m his calm the same as he’s mine, but I hate that all of this happened in the first place. No one can control the parents they are given. We can only control the parents and humans we grow up to become.

“Don’t hate me for the way I’m about to do this.”

“Do what?” I ask, pulling back to look up at him.

“Will you marry me? Be my wife?” He shakes his head. “Bri, I don’t want to go another day waking up without you, Gabriel, and our little one growing inside you and you not sharing my name. Brianna Andrews, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Brianna Acerbi?”

“Drago,” I say, placing my hand on his warm face and cupping his cheek and jaw. “We have all the time in the world to marry and be a family. We already are a family. I’m yours. I was yours from the first day we met. I’ll be yours until the day I take my last breath.”

I smile up at him.

“Will I be your wife? Yes. But there is no need to ask me because you’re afraid I won’t still be yours tomorrow or the next day or even next year. I’m yours, D. Always. So is Gabe and the baby growing inside me. We’re yours. And you’re ours,” I recite back the words I know he needs to hear.

“I’m not asking because I’m scared. I’m asking because I want it more than anything I’ve ever wanted. Will you marry me, Bri?”

“Yes, baby. I’ll marry you.”
