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“I can barely afford you as it is,” I whine. “You’re going to deny a girl the only pleasure she’s had in...” I pause, giving it actual thought. Nikki cocks her head and raises her eyebrow. “Hell,” I snort out, as she drops my foot. “I don’t even know how long it’s been.”

Besides my shopping addiction, this is the only other thing I splurge on consistently. For me, it’s not really about being fit and healthy. I pay Nikki to be my personal trainer because I want to physically be strong. In my line of work, I have to be able to take down men three times my size to the ground. I also never want to be weak or let anyone ever get the upper hand on me.

In today’s world, people are evil. You never know what you’ll face tomorrow, the day after, or even next year.

“That’s sad.” I drop down to the mat, sitting on my butt to stretch out more before we begin. “Do you know how fucking sad that is?”

She sits across from me, positioning the bottom of her feet against mine, and then leans forward reaching for my hands.

“I’m well aware, but thanks for pointing it out.”

Pulling me toward her, my upper body stretches in another pleasurable way.

“It’s a cry for help is what it is. We gotta get you laid.”

The way it comes out makes me look at her a second longer. Nikki is dead serious; there is no humor or an ounce of playfulness in her tone.

I pull backward, and keeping our hands encased, I stretch her the same as she did me.

“I’d say you could come have fun with Jase and me, but I’m pretty sure after last weekend I need to givefuna break. Besides,” she releases my hands, then jumps into a squat, “I don’t see you as the threesome type of girl.”

“Why not?” I urge as if objecting to her assumption. She raises an eyebrow and I push myself up, off the mat. “Okay,” I draw out. “I’m not but—”

“Oh, no ‘buts,’ babe. We’re getting you laid.” A smile ghosts her lips. “And we’re getting you laid tonight.”

“Yeah, good luck on that.”

With a baby on my hands, that’s highly unlikely.

* * *

I guessthere’s always the power of persuasion. And I really do need a night of fun—a break.

It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with people for the sake of fun. My job is hard and demanding. And I actually love that, but with Alana and Jackson living upstate, I haven’t allowed myself to make that many friends.

When I made it to work this morning, I ran into Steph as she was leaving from pulling the night and graveyard shifts. We chatted in the lady’s room for a bit—more like she listened to me whine about my week with Gabe.

He’s a great baby as far as babies go, I guess. I really don’t have anything to compare it to. This is completely different from any of my interactions with my brother’s three kids. This is so muchmore,and I was not prepared for it. I constantly feel like I’ve had the wind knocked out of me, and I question every single thing I do when it comes to him.

He’s put on a good bit of weight just in the week he’s been with me so that’s a good thing. I think he sleeps relatively well aside from that first night.

After work yesterday, I took him to an after-hours pediatric clinic that Ms. Lincoln’s daughter works at to be checked out. I should have done it earlier in the week, but honestly, I didn’t think of doing that.

My neighbor’s daughter, Megan, is a nurse practitioner. The shocking thing is, Gabe is actually three months old—something I really should have known before last night. He was born on June twenty-eighth of this year. According to his medical records, he was slightly underweight when Miss Carlisle delivered. I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am.

Thinking about that boy’s mother irks me, so I try not to.

I still haven’t reached the Police Captain with the Special Ops unit, and I’m starting to think I never will. Tom is being an ass about this case, so I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to him about what to do with Gabriel.

And maybe I’m not trying as hard as I could.

If it weren’t for Stephanie insisting I let her keep Gabe tonight so I could meet Nikki at Club Blue, I wouldn’t be walking in now. Tonight is her night off, and I didn’t want to ruin that or her time with her son, but apparently, there’s a consensus that I need to “get some” tonight.

That’s doubtful but letting loose for a few hours will be welcomed. What isn’t welcomed is my eyes landing onhimwhen I step up to the second floor of the club—the VIP section.

I watch him when I should be heading in the opposite direction to find Nikki and her friends. It’s strange how my body both sags in frustration and hums from when I think about my encounter with him a few days ago.

He’s a looker, that’s for sure. Tall, dark, and dangerous should be tattooed on his chest the way he exudes it.
