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“It was good meeting you, sir,” I tell the mayor as my father pulls me away. He nods before another man walks up, gaining his attention.

The charity event this year is nestled in the grand ballroom at The Elliott in Beverly Hills. The mayor has outdone himself this year. It’s never been held somewhere so luxurious in the past years’ events. And with the turnout here tonight it ought to pay off for him I suppose.

My eight-hundred-dollar dress my father bought looks cheap compared to other women that I watch milling around as I’m escorted to a small round table only feet away from the dance floor. Being closer to music, it’s louder, which I take note of as I sit down.

“Would you like something to drink, sweetheart?”

Pleasantries coming from him have my defense mechanisms on full alert. Robert Andrews doesn’t do nice. It’s obvious he’s up to something, but what?

“I’ll get something in a minute.” I place my hands and forearms on the white linen table, stretching them out toward him. “So, why did you invite me tonight?”

That question has been plaguing me since my father asked me to go to this event with him. And I’m curious about his sudden change in tune when he referenced my career to the mayor.

“Can’t an old man just enjoy the company of his only daughter?”

I catch my bottom lip, trapping it between my teeth right before a laugh bubbles out.

“Sure.” I lean back against the chair. “If said father actually liked said daughter.”

His lips turn down.

“Goddammit, I love you. How could you ever think I don’t?”

“I said like, not love. I know you love me, Dad. I’ve never questioned that. But like...” I trail off.

“Why does there have to be so much tension between me and my children?”

“Because you want to run our lives?” I offer up.

“Brianna, that’s the last thing I want to do. Whatever gave you that impression?”

“You hate Alana for one. You wish I weren’t a cop for two.”

“I don’t hate her. She simply isn’t the right woman for your brother.”

I have to bite the inside of my cheek in an effort to keep myself from lashing out at him. Jackson and Alana are perfect. They’re high school sweethearts that fell in love at a young age, and through everything—shitty parents, having two kids while they were still in college, stressful and demanding careers, and then a third kid unexpectedly—they’ve made their marriage work and love last.

How dare he say she isn’t the right woman for Jackson. She’s the only woman good enough for him.

“She’s the mother of your three grandchildren. They’ve been together for over twenty years. C’mon, Dad, get over whatever it is you have against her.”

“If Jackson hadn’t knocked her up in the fir—”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” I say with venom behind my words.

“My intent is not to piss you off tonight.”

“Then what is your intent?”

“There’s someone I want you to meet.” Alarm bells start going off. “I’m sure he’s already here. I texted him while you were in the restroom earlier to stop by our table.”

“Is that a joke?” I say, flatly.

“Why would that be a joke?”

I shake my head. It’s all I can do not to stand and walk out of here. Taking a cab back to my condo isn’t an expense I can afford. I’m at dear ol’ dad’s mercy tonight, but if he thinks I’m going to be set up or introduced to a man, or whatever, he has another thing coming.

I’ll call someone if I have to. Connie is on call this week, but Mike will come get me if I need him to.
