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“I’m resourceful, detective.” There’s a smile in his voice that makes me want to falter. “So, are you home?” His tone turns serious.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

Jeez, I sound like a bitch. And why? He was nice to me tonight. I shouldn’t act this way.

“I’m going to assume by the snarky attitude you’re well and safe, and if you aren’t, I’m guessing you can take care of yourself, detective.”

“Bri,” I’m quick to correct him. “Didn’t we agree off the clock, we’re to use our first names?”

“I don’t think you ever agreed to it.”

“Well, that’s because there shouldn’t be any ‘off the clock’ interaction between us.”

“I think it’s a little late for that realization, considering all the interaction we had last weekend.”

Oh, he’s a smug dick.And I’m a weak-ass whore apparently.

Fuck me!

The door to the elevator glides open, so I walk through, exiting on my floor.

“I’m home now.” I decide to throw him a bone. It was nice of him to call, making sure I got home safe—even if he shouldn’t have my number. How he got it is something I should push to find out, but I don’t. “I’m hanging up now. Goodnight, D.”

“’Night,” is all he says before he hangs up, beating me to it.

Yep, total dick.

I stash my cell in my purse, then knock lightly on Ms. Lincoln’s door, not wanting to make too much noise in case Gabe is sleeping.

She answers surprisingly quick, then again, she isn’t that old. I need to stop thinking of her like she is.

“Back so soon?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “Dad decided to end the night earlier than I thought he would. It’s a good thing though, I’m sure you’re exhausted from having a baby all day.”

“You think I can’t handle one little one?” She waves her hand dismissively as she steps away from the door, allowing me to enter.

“Of course not.”

I push the door, but I don’t close it since I’m just grabbing Gabriel and plan to be as quick as possible. It’s not often I wear heels. I don’t have to in my line of work, which is nice. But right now, my feet ache and I want nothing more than a soak in my tub.

“Did you have fun today?” She doesn’t give me a chance to respond when she continues. “Meet anyone new? A man maybe? Or girl, if that’s your thing?”

She’s trying hard to keep a straight face, so I don’t know how interested in that answer she is. But I know her, and she is one nosey lady digging for information.

Picking her book up from the arm of her couch, she places a bookmark inside then lays it on the end table.

When I’m silent, she looks up, pinning me with a stare that apparently tells her everything she wants to know.

“Oh, good!” she raves. “First thing’s first, man or woman?”

I bet she would have been an excellent cop. She has a knack for reading people and then getting them to spill everything. I’m a little more reserved than others who live in our complex. She has a harder time getting me to give anything up that I don’t want to.

“No one that interesting,” I lie.

“Do not bullshit a pro. Out with it.”

If I don’t give her something, she’ll keep hounding me.
