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Without thinking too long, I stuff the photos back in the container I took them out of, opening a drawer in my kitchen and stuffing it there.

Whoever left these for me didn’t want Drago to know. I wonder why? Until I do, I decide not to share this with Drago even though it doesn’t feel right. I don’t like going against my gut, and I know somewhere deep down I’m probably making a mistake.

But then again, jumping on this until I know more could also prove a misjudgment. At least being silent buys me some time to figure out who sent them.

It can’t be Luca, his brother, so who was here? Could Drago have been the one that had him leave it, thinking it would clear his name?

Too many questions are swirling around in my head that I want answers to right now.

“You didn’t have to clean up, babe.” I look up, seeing Drago stepping into the kitchen. “I would have done it.”

“No big deal,” I tell him, turning and leaning my hip against the drawer I stashed the photos inside of, feeling a pang of guilt for keeping this from him.

He’s watching me again, and it feels the same as how I watch him at times when I’m waiting to see if he’s going to reveal something. Maybe he does know I have those pictures and he’s waiting for me to tell him.

I turn, my butt pressed against the counter to face him when he nears. He lifts me off the ground, planting me on the edge so that I’m almost eye level with him. He steps between my legs as his hands softly cup my face.

“I like you.”

“You’ve already told me that.”

He breathes out hard, air from his nose fanning my face with a quick laugh escaping his lips in the process.

“I like you a lot.”

“Good,” I say, leaning forward and placing my hands on his sides. “I like you a lot, too.”

He smirks, liking my declaration and there is something mischievous in the depths of his eyes.

“Well, I came for a booty call, so can I take you to bed now?”

“Fuck you!” I half laugh, showing him a surprised expression. Shaking my head, I say, “I didn’t call you to come over here. You just showed up.”

“Yeah, to fuck you.” His eyes light up playfully, making my chest swoon. I pinch the flesh on his side through his T-shirt. “Ow.” He bends, moving away from my hand.

“Take me to bed then.” I smile, not able to contain the Cheshire Cat grin I’m sure is on my face.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

He scoops me off the countertop and does just what he says—only I wouldn’t call the hour he spent slowly working me up only to move at an agonizing, hellish pace in and out of me for longer than I’ve ever had a man inside me, fucking.

No, if I thought about it long enough, I’d call that something else. Something I’m not ready to do just yet.


The note didn’t say I couldn’t share the photos with anyone else—not that it would have mattered if it did—so here I am, sitting on the couch in Tom’s office waiting for him to get in.

I’ve waited a lot longer than I should have to bring this evidence in. I thought I’d be able to drag something out of Drago without giving myself away, but I’ve barely seen Drago since he stayed over last Friday.

He left, going out of town, again, and since we haven’t exactly discussed what we are to each other, I didn’t ask or push—no matter how much I itched to do so. And even that fact bugs me. I’m not a needy person. I consider myself independent, definitely strong, both mentally and physically, so the fact that the thought crossed my mind tells me I’m way too into him, too quick.

Liking someone a lot is one thing, wanting to see them all the time and know where they are? That’s borderline psychotic, like my brother. I wonder if I should tell Alana about his tracking habits. Hell, the bitch probably knows. She should have told me!

I flip my wrist, looking at the time on my smartwatch—eight-twenty am.

I would probably still be trying to figure out who left the photos if Tom hadn’t requested a meeting this morning. Tomorrow marks the five-week mark since Chasity Carlisle walked into the station and I know Tom is going to expect something, but I doubt he has one inkling of what I’m about to throw in his lap.

I just wish I knew the identity of the person who not only left me those pictures but also knows what case I’m working and where I live. I’m not sure how I feel about the latter. It couldn’t have been Drago or his brother—so who was it?
