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I just want to stop dwelling on that thought for one day, because it’s beginning to eat at me, and soon he’s going to have to come clean if he wants anything long-term.

Turning off the main road, I follow another couple of minutes when Houston slows, turning into a drive and then stopping in front of a gate. He quickly rolls down his window to press digits into a keypad. It only takes seconds for him to gain entry to the property, and the gates close automatically once he drives through.

When his car is out of sight, I pull forward, looking through the wrought iron bars. There is a large house, not as big as the one Drago resides in, but a decent-sized home. It’s not as big as a lot of the houses in Brentwood, but this is still a high-dollar piece of property, telling me someone with money lives behind those gates.

From my view, there is something oddly familiar like I’ve seen it before. Maybe in a photo, because I know I’ve never been here until today.

My curiosity spikes, or maybe it’s the need to know that has me grabbing my smartphone. I go to the county land roll site and type in the address of the property.

What the...?

No, the word plays in my mind as my head shakes from side to side.

This is the deputy chief of staff to the mayor, Dylan Harper’s residence. That’s why it looked familiar. I remember my father talking about him and that has to be where I saw pictures. My dad must have been his realtor.

Not wanting to sit here too long and chance Lance seeing me, I drive off, turning down another street, and then doing the same when I see another street ahead. I pull over, putting my car in park then snatch my smartphone back up.

I quickly Google everything I can on Harper. He’s married to Haley Harper. They have two kids. I learn Dylan served ten years in the military before getting into politics nearly fifteen years ago.

Not finding anything that might connect Chasity to him, I scan images until I land on a photo of her with Harper, his wife, and their two sons. Clicking on the article, I read it and discover she’s his adopted niece through his wife.

Dropping my hand and phone to my thigh, I drum the fingers of my other hand on the steering wheel, thinking.

Why did that not come up during the interview? I mean, if she were really concerned for her life and Gabriel’s, why not go to her uncle?

There is nothing about this that makes sense, and I’m not going to get anywhere until I hash it out with someone.

I pick up my phone, doing what I had originally intended to do before I saw Lance and Chasity together. I call my partner.

“Bitch, where you at?” her voice demands.

“Meet me at Grounds in fifteen minutes,” I request.

“Bri?” she draws out, knowing something is up.

“Just be there and don’t mention where you’re going to anyone.”

She hangs up after agreeing to walk over to the coffee shop across the road from the precinct. She’ll beat me for sure, but that place is always packed so she should have enough time to scrounge us up a booth.

I’m right when I walk in, seeing her tucked in the back. It’s really the perfect spot to talk discreetly.

When I slide in, she pushes an extra-large paper cup of specialty coffee in front of me. I spend the next fifteen minutes filling her in on everything—including the details of my involvement with Drago. She’s silent, taking everything in. Connie likes to absorb everything before making her thoughts known. This time isn’t any different, but I do see judgment in her pale blue eyes. She’s by the book. I like that about her actually.

I’m expecting her to ream me out, but I’m also expecting her to give me her honest take on the situation, which I know she will.

She takes longer than I would have thought before she speaks, and I already know what’s coming first.

She leans forward, her medium-length blonde hair slipping from behind her back.

“You fucked the guy you’re supposed to be gathering criminal intel on?”


What else am I supposed to say to that? I did. And I know I’d do it again even if I hadn’t been drunk. It might have taken longer, but there is something about him that won’t let me refuse.

“I’m not sure what to say to that, Bri. That’s a world-class fuck up if I’ve ever heard of one.” She takes a long sip of her drink. “Was it at least worth it?”

She leans back against the booth.
