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Leaving my bedroom, I walk briskly down the hall.

“Ms. Lincoln?” I call out.

She doesn’t answer.

It’s a short distance. so when I enter the living room, I come to a halt, momentarily taken by surprise when I lay eyes on a lean Hispanic man dressed in all dark clothes. He sees me at the same time another man—this one a few inches shorter than the first—walks through the door, closing it behind him. Their features are quite similar; they could pass for brothers.

“I suggest you both leave now.”

My voice is firm and steady. I’m not scared. I’ve been trained to remain calm in many different situations. The trick is to not let your mind wander. Focus on nothing but the threat in front of you. Neutralize the threat.

“We won’t be doing that, cop,” the taller of the two utters as he spits the last word out, as if he has a bad taste in his mouth.

I guess that means he’s not a fan of the police.

The other guy snickers at his words as his dirty eyes roam down my bare legs.

Go ahead, sleazeball, look all you want. It’ll be your downfall. And the distraction I need.

“The kid.” My head snaps back to the other one. “Where is he?” All the hairs on my body stand.Gabriel.They’re after Gabriel, but why?

Drago? Maybe. No, it can’t be...

I don’t have the time to question the whys. The cop in me will have to stay at bay for the most part. No way will I allow these men to take Gabe from here—from me.

They’ll have to kill me first.

Fuck oath.

This has nothing to do with it and everything to do with my love for the boy sleeping only a few steps down the hall behind me.

“What kid?” I ask, folding my arms over my chest. I doubt they believe me. They obviously got in using Ms. Lincoln’s key after all...

No thinking, Brianna.


“Nice try.”

I’m guessing the taller one of their duo is the ringleader since he’s the only one speaking.

“Yeah, nice try. Like my brother said, sweetie,” Shorty finally speaks, confirming my suspicions they’re brothers. He’s younger too; could be just out of his teens.

Oh, I got your sweetie.

“Shut the fuck up.” The older brother turns, shoving the other in his shoulder, making him damn near fall to the door, but he manages to catch himself after stumbling.

“Ooh.” I shake my head, making a tsk-tsk sound, “I don’t think you were supposed to letthe copknow you two are related,” I chime in, pointing between them.

“Where’s Acerbi’s kid?” big brother demands to know.

So they are here because of Drago. But is it for him or...

“Get out now!”

That does nothing to deter them. In fact, they both move my way instead, at a slow pace.

I take a deep breath to prepare myself mentally for what’s about to happen. I would prefer to have a weapon on me, but I don’t. There is no way I have enough time to run to my bedroom to grab my secondary firearm—a Glock .380—from the drawer in the nightstand next to my bed. I can’t reach my department-issued weapon either and my last option is a no-go too. The path to the kitchen where I keep another one of my personal handguns above the stove in a cabinet is blocked.
